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Archived: Post your Desktop
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Re: Post your Desktop
09/28/10 11:27 pm | #106
lolz compare my last desktop to my new/current. ive figured out (mostly) how to work rainmeter :D
<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img545.imageshack.us/i/awesomebg.jpg/'><img src='http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/647/awesomebg.jpg' border='0'/></a>
Uploaded with <a target='_blank' href='http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us</a>
Re: Post your Desktop
09/28/10 11:30 pm | #107
That'd be a badass desktop without all the writing and shit. Just the c-cube would be awesome. I'd love that if you have it somewhere.
EDIT: Nm Taco, Revelation was kind enough to photoshop all the writing out for me!
Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 3:41 pm | #108
lol i couldve very easily linked you to the original pic. i had it. i just wasnt on at the time you posted or i woulda gotten it to ya. i got a couple good portal wallpapers
Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 3:47 pm | #109
If you wanna just attach 'em in a post, that'd be sweet. I love Portal!
Re: Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 6:45 pm | #110
Quote by Taco:
lolz compare my last desktop to my new/current. ive figured out (mostly) how to work rainmeter
<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img545.imageshack.us/i/awesomebg.jpg/'><img src='http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/647/awesomebg.jpg' border='0'/></a>
Uploaded with <a target='_blank' href='http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us</a>
Rainmeter for mac!?!? I just use geektool, but I would love to use rainmeter instead. please link it ASAP!
Re: Re: Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 6:48 pm | #111
Quote by DJ Manners:
Quote by Taco:
lolz compare my last desktop to my new/current. ive figured out (mostly) how to work rainmeter
<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img545.imageshack.us/i/awesomebg.jpg/'><img src='http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/647/awesomebg.jpg' border='0'/></a>
Uploaded with <a target='_blank' href='http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us</a>
Rainmeter for mac!?!? I just use geektool, but I would love to use rainmeter instead. please link it ASAP!
That's not a mac, it's a wanna be mac.
Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 7:18 pm | #112
lol its not even a wannabe mac. if you notice, the taskbar is on the right. RK launcher is to remove the clusterfuckage of the icons i had, and rainmeter just looks awesome.
i use windows tho. it > mac
Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 7:54 pm | #113
Nothing is greater than mac.
Re: Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 9:06 pm | #114
Quote by AJ:
Nothing is greater than mac.
except everything 
hey wait...cant macs NOT right click? i think saw that somewhere..
Re: Re: Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 9:09 pm | #115
Quote by Taco:
Quote by AJ:
Nothing is greater than mac.
except everything
hey wait...cant macs NOT right click? i think saw that somewhere..
I have mine set up to right click, it even works on the touch pad. It's fantastic. On other laptops you can't set up the actual touch pad to right click you have to use the stupid buttons.
Re: Re: Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 9:12 pm | #116
Quote by Taco:
Quote by AJ:
Nothing is greater than mac.
except everything
hey wait...cant macs NOT right click? i think saw that somewhere..
Lol, Macs are horrible, because they're Macs
but really I've used one, they are extremely overpriced for some half-asses machine PC FTW
Re: Re: Re: Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 9:15 pm | #117
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Taco:
except everything
hey wait...cant macs NOT right click? i think saw that somewhere..
Lol, Macs are horrible, because they're Macs

but really I've used one, they are extremely overpriced for some half-asses machine PC FTW
Personally, when I owned PC laptops, my harddrive or disc drive would break after about 6 months (in all 5 of them), and those were about 1500 bucks.
My macbook on the other hand has been working for over a year and hasn't had a single problem (1850 bucks). Still as fast as it was the first day I fired it up as well and no virus software! FTW!
Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 9:24 pm | #118
Macs cannot right click? WTF is that stupid shit? I can right click all day on anything I want to, it just has one big clicker...You use 1 finger to click on stuff, and 2 fingers to right, just as you would a regular PC mouse.
MAC's might be more expensive than a PC, but you get your money's worth. Hell, when you get a PC you get all this extra bullshit that you don't need and it doesn't contribute to anything but bogging your computer down. I'm with AJ on this one, I have had my Macbook for.......uuuh I think almost a year, I don't remember exactly how long I have had it but it stills runs just as smoothly as it did the day I pulled this bitch out of the box :)
The only thing I hate about my macbook, is I do not have a system preferences app. My wife got pissy one day and took a lot of shit off of her dock, and the system preferences was one of them.....So it took it off of my dock as well, so NOW I have to buy the freaking start up disks so I can re-install it onto my computer, becuase I have NO idea what I did with my box that had the disks in it.......*sighs* oh well.
But...MAC for the win.
By the way, you can run windows on a mac as well, all the luxuries of the Window programs, with none of the bullshit problems of a PC.... :)
But everyone has there own opinion, if you dont like Mac and you like PC better, cool...that's your opinion, I'm not going to argue this pointless argument any longer then what I already have.
You kids enjoy
Re: Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 9:27 pm | #119
Quote by iKidd:
Macs cannot right click? WTF is that stupid shit? I can right click all day on anything I want to, it just has one big clicker...You use 1 finger to click on stuff, and 2 fingers to right, just as you would a regular PC mouse.
When I read that, all I thought was, yea I use 1 finger to click and shit, big whoop, wanna fight about it?!
Re: Post your Desktop
09/29/10 9:35 pm | #120
My pc has been running perfect since I got it in 07 AJ I guess you've just had bad luck, Kidd you can uninstall those... Have you ever taken the time to? You can also run MacOSX on a PC perfectly at Half the Price; And don't tell me it's not the same I've used both, not emulated, actually installed on a PC (uninstalled a day later) I personally prefer Windows, I just don't see the point in buying a Mac.
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