Archived: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
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Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 6:34 pm | #32
Didn't intend it as a side-ways shot by any means. Didn't realize that was a dude chuckin on a steelers logo(classic). And it doesn't help that you typed in all caps GO STEELERS, bengals suck underneath it.
Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 6:46 pm | #34
Yeah, what Raine said. Noah said I could take it out now, but it wouldn't be right.
Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 7:03 pm | #35
The Cavs roflpwned the Pistons. Im glad, because i hate the Pistons haha. Also, just because the Cavs had the best regular season record means theyre going to win it all...just as the Patriots (different sport i know, but its funny as hell ^^)
And for all you LeBron fanboys, LeBron wouldn't of had a badass season this year if it wasn't for Mo Williams. That guy really made the team elite, because as we've seen before LeBron can't do it on his own (06-07 season finals lol).
And for all you LeBron fanboys, LeBron wouldn't of had a badass season this year if it wasn't for Mo Williams. That guy really made the team elite, because as we've seen before LeBron can't do it on his own (06-07 season finals lol).
Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 7:27 pm | #36
id have to agree with some hated team would be the i am a cardinal fan that naturally happens.
Re: Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 8:16 pm | #38
Quote by Legendary Hoax:
The Cavs roflpwned the Pistons. Im glad, because i hate the Pistons haha. Also, just because the Cavs had the best regular season record means theyre going to win it all...just as the Patriots (different sport i know, but its funny as hell ^^)
And for all you LeBron fanboys, LeBron wouldn't of had a badass season this year if it wasn't for Mo Williams. That guy really made the team elite, because as we've seen before LeBron can't do it on his own (06-07 season finals lol).
And for all you LeBron fanboys, LeBron wouldn't of had a badass season this year if it wasn't for Mo Williams. That guy really made the team elite, because as we've seen before LeBron can't do it on his own (06-07 season finals lol).
While I appreciate your love for the Cavs; I can't have you jinxing them. So I'm gonna be the one to point out the flaw in your argument.
If I remember clearly the Pats went undefeated in the regular season and still lost the super bowl to the Giants. So, it's great the Cavs had the best regular season record, but other than home-court advantage it doesn't mean diddly.
Re: Re: Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 8:32 pm | #39
Quote by Mike93:
Lol. The main person that I wanted to see it did, that being Noah.
lololol. to be fair, i thought it was a tree at first.
Re: Re: Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 8:46 pm | #41
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by Marcus Flemming:
id have to agree with some hated team would be the i am a cardinal fan that naturally happens.
You hate the cubs, love the cardinals and you in Illinois? Maybe you should move 1 state west. lol
ya..but where i am from in illinois is the cut off line...the top part of the state is cubs and the bottom half is right in the middle where there is both...most people down south in the state just hate everything chicago cuz they think they are the state of illinois..which they are not...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/18/09 9:03 pm | #43
Quote by Raine:
Quote by Marcus Flemming:
ya..but where i am from in illinois is the cut off line...the top part of the state is cubs and the bottom half is right in the middle where there is both...most people down south in the state just hate everything chicago cuz they think they are the state of illinois..which they are not...
Hahaha that's the truth!!! I grew up in Naperville, and most of the people I went to school with thought Chicago was the capital all the way into Jr High.
ya..its kinda sad..and then blagoavich happened...ya..that was a mistake...he didnt even like in the governors mansion in springfield...he flew back and forth between chicago and springfield everyday..and the taxpayers had to pay for it!...needless to glad hes out of office
Re: Re: Re: Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/19/09 1:53 am | #44
Quote by Raine:
Cali fanboys, what can you do.
Fuck yeah! Go Clippers, Warriors, and Kings too!
And while we're at it...go Ducks, Sharks, Kings (NHL), Angels, Dodgers, A's, Padres, Giants (MLB) Chargers, Raiders, 49er's (NFL), Galaxy, Chivas USA, Earthquakes (MLS), Sparks, Monarchs (WNBA), Avengers, and Sabercats (AFL)! Cali is the shit
Re: NBA Playoffs Off & Running
04/19/09 2:12 am | #45
go redwings?