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Archived: My New Tattoo
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My New Tattoo
08/29/08 7:14 pm | #1
So I got my new tattoo today...I been waiting the longest time for it and I finally got up to the tattoo shop today and to get it done. It's not done yet, I only got the outlining of it out of the way, and it was partly shaded. Next week I'm going to get another portion of it finished. It will take 3 or 4 trips to get it finished.
The end result will be shaded with black, blue, and a dark purple. I will post pictures of the process and I would really like to have your input on what you think of it. Thanks Guys!!!!

The picture is a bit blurry because I had it taken on my new phone (whole 'nother story) So sorry for the blurry'ness.
Tell me what you guys think of it so far....
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 7:41 pm | #2
Sweet man, I been thinking about a TK Chillin one!!!
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 7:56 pm | #3
Nice!...Sounds pretty cool
I tell you what though, the tattoo didn't really hurt until it hit the shoulder blades....than it started to fork me up, lol.
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 8:57 pm | #4
Quote by kiddcartel:
Nice!...Sounds pretty cool
I tell you what though, the tattoo didn't really hurt until it hit the shoulder blades....than it started to fork me up, lol.
Thats sick as hell man, i love it.
I dont know if you have ever told the story behind the name?
If you havent, do tell
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 9:32 pm | #5
Dude that looks bad ass, cant wait to see with the blue and purple
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 10:10 pm | #6
Quote by TehLoooveMuffin:
Thats sick as hell man, i love it.
I dont know if you have ever told the story behind the name?
If you havent, do tell

I agree, I thought it was just another random gamertag, but I don't think you'd get a tattoo of a random gamertag
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 10:50 pm | #8
wow that is AWESOME! One of the best tattoos I have seen. The only thing is I hope that name means allot to you because tattoos do not come off easy

And yes if you have not already do tell the story behind the name.
O and that tattoo makes me want to put my GT on my back
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 11:21 pm | #9
LoL!...Well I use to DJ and Kidd Cartel was my DJ name, it has stuck with me through the years and people (just like all of my friends on this site) all call me "Kidd" or "The Kidd"
"Kidd Cartel" came from, I looked up the word "cartel" and the definition I found ( and haven't been able to find it again since ) was saying that the definition of cartel was an orginization that was formed in order to take over a certain industry (which made sense to me being that there are drug cartels out there trying to take over the drug industry) I used it as I was trying to take over the DJ scene ( or industry ) of the area I was in.
At first it was "Cousin Cartel" but later I found that " Kidd Cartel " sounded better.
So that's the story of my gamertag...I just used me DJ Name, and you guy's would have known that by now if someone would not have been a dick.
But no, I didn't put some random gamer tag on my back 
I got two more I'm getting done once I get this one finished, I will post those up in this thread as well.
And for those that have gotten new tattoos and would like to add them in this thread, please do....Let's get a thread going to show off all of our art work
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 11:36 pm | #10
wow. can't wait to see it finished.
Re: My New Tattoo
08/29/08 11:53 pm | #12
That's awesome. Can't wait to see the end result.
Re: My New Tattoo
08/30/08 12:09 am | #13
Re: My New Tattoo
08/30/08 2:18 am | #14
that looks awesome. id like to get like BZT, BlakZombieTaco, or Zephir for a tattoo in small-ish lettering on my arm...thatd be awesome
Re: My New Tattoo
08/30/08 2:48 am | #15
Sweet new tat man...cant wait to see the finished product!
I'm in need of a new tattoo, I've been wanting to turn my half-sleeves into full ones but im thinking about waiting till I get out of grad school and a real job hahha
Im sure Ill be getting a new one here in a month or so and Ill post a pic. Good idea Kidd about starting a tattoo thread, God knows I've posted enough pics hahha
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