Archived: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
Posted Under: Xbox News
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Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 4:44 pm | #3
No no i disagree Aldemar, i would much rather two separate games
I love capcom and Mortal Kombat, but... separately
I love capcom and Mortal Kombat, but... separately
Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 5:34 pm | #5
The last MK I remember was...MK Trilogy on Sega I guess I'm a little behind...
Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 5:36 pm | #6
Yeah I must of missed 4 or so MK's along the line somewhere... I still need to rent the new one but I keep hearing dismal things about it and can't seem to motivate myself to go actually pick up a copy..
Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 9:13 pm | #8
boon stated that MK vs DC would be number 8 so I guess they are just going in order lol but I hope its better than the pile of crap they just released and for gods sake if they put the collectors edition into a forking disc sleeve again instead of a regular case I'm gunna flip out again lol I was so pissed when I opened this huge case to find that the game was in a disc sleeve WTF. 

Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 9:56 pm | #10
the story is ok but I didnt like the gameplay very much and the combo challenges are just ridiculous.
Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 10:03 pm | #11
the MK games are getting ridiculous.
me playing with rain > any of you.
i'd bet 100 bones.
me playing with rain > any of you.
i'd bet 100 bones.

Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 10:09 pm | #12
I actually really enjoyed MK Armageddon and Deception, but I would like a return to the classic gameplay, maybe with a few dumb extras thrown in (i liked MK Chess and Motor Kombat).
What I would really like, and I think I speak for a lot of folks, is a Live Arcade-enabled MK Trilogy. Maybe even with sprites redone from the masters in 1080p? Mmm.
And shucks to Noah's rainball cheese
What I would really like, and I think I speak for a lot of folks, is a Live Arcade-enabled MK Trilogy. Maybe even with sprites redone from the masters in 1080p? Mmm.
And shucks to Noah's rainball cheese

Re: Re: Mortal Kombat 9 Annouced
01/26/09 10:15 pm | #13
Quote by ReverendMeta:
I actually really enjoyed MK Armageddon and Deception, but I would like a return to the classic gameplay, maybe with a few dumb extras thrown in (i liked MK Chess and Motor Kombat).
What I would really like, and I think I speak for a lot of folks, is a Live Arcade-enabled MK Trilogy. Maybe even with sprites redone from the masters in 1080p? Mmm.
And shucks to Noah's rainball cheese
What I would really like, and I think I speak for a lot of folks, is a Live Arcade-enabled MK Trilogy. Maybe even with sprites redone from the masters in 1080p? Mmm.
And shucks to Noah's rainball cheese

and yes, rain was the best MK dude ever. i owned oh so many!
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