Archived: Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
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Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
09/05/07 8:54 am | #1
Pick up a couple of Medal of Honor bling items to spiff up your Xbox 360. A new Theme and Gamer Pic are available for download. The theme pack is 150 points and is an Airborne jump pack, while the gamer picks are Airborne Icons also costs 150 points. They are both available in all Xbox Live Regions.
Re: Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
09/05/07 10:03 am | #2
Medal of Airborne bling? o.O; Did you forget honor?
I need money to buy the posters.

Re: Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
09/05/07 10:33 am | #3
Don't know what you are talking about

Re: Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
09/05/07 10:33 am | #4
z said bling haha
Re: Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
09/05/07 11:56 am | #5
Bwahaha. I don't think I'd call it bling, but okay.

Re: Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
09/05/07 1:17 pm | #6
I think I'll rent airborne this weekend and MAYBE blue dragon!
Re: Medal of Honor bling on Marketplace
09/05/07 3:27 pm | #7
Finally the demo downloaded correctly.
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