Closed: Maybe it's just me but....
Posted Under: Blogs
Re: Maybe it's just me but....
04/05/09 2:50 pm | #31
Honestly Anime I thought you were trying to start something just by the way you were speaking. I don't often get on websites and use forums but I find these forums a lot easier to speak in than many others. I just figured I'd put something out there and maybe some others would agree with me but I figured most wouldn't. Guess I am just another @$$h073 trying to make himself feel cooler. I made a topic because I think I have the right to talk about anything I want to relating to the XBOX 360 and it's various games and what ever else. I see people talking on here about all kinds of topics and I just found that this one bothered me because I do not like Pearl Jam at all. They are overrated and overplayed all over my local radio station. I would say the same about U2 and Disturbed. Both are obviously influential but I find them both completely garbage. Sorry if this offends anyone but I thought it was ok to talk about something that involved my life on my XBOX. Again, I am sorry for making a topic that upsets people and trying to get things off my chest.

Re: Maybe it's just me but....
04/06/09 7:26 pm | #33
I just get really worked up about things sometimes and this just happens to be one of those times.
Re: Maybe it's just me but....
05/07/09 2:20 am | #34
i said no cause i dunt listen to them.. so i guess that means i dont like them? I am sure there good tho