Archived: Mass Effect New DLC
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/21/09 8:45 am | #16
How about we scratch Knuck's original sentence and make it an actual sentence? Why are you on X360A? They should have made it 1250, they said they were going to make it 1250, what lying douchebags.. Better?

Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/21/09 9:17 am | #17
Sounds good to me but why the hell did we have to wait this long for more dlc for mass effect? I haven't played that game in quite a while.... looks like I need to get back into it.
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/21/09 11:41 am | #18
Awesome, it's about damn time they put out another DLC, maybe if I play this it will make me want to go through the whole game again to pick up some more achievements and level up a bit more before the Mass Effect 2 comes out
*crosses fingers* heres hoping....lol
*crosses fingers* heres hoping....lol
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/21/09 11:46 am | #19
I remember that they where planing to release 3 DLC packs to that game to bridge he gap of time until Mass Effect 2.
Still this game seems to be a love it or meh.
Im more on the meh side myself.
Still this game seems to be a love it or meh.
Im more on the meh side myself.
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/21/09 1:27 pm | #20
isnt mass effect 2 coming out pretty soon?
Re: Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/21/09 1:28 pm | #21
Quote by XxTime:
isnt mass effect 2 coming out pretty soon?
like next year, but i still think its late as hell for DLC for the first one.
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/25/09 3:18 pm | #23
Yup, saw this on Twitta, to bad i dont have mass effect! But i gotta get mt some trials HD!
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/25/09 4:13 pm | #25
How much is it?
EDIT: I found it, it is for 400pts.
Can I get some reviews on this from someone that has played it? Thanks!
EDIT: I found it, it is for 400pts.
Can I get some reviews on this from someone that has played it? Thanks!
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/25/09 8:27 pm | #26
it appears that i no longer have my level 60 file.
not really sure how i feel about that...
at least the DLC is only 400 points.
not really sure how i feel about that...

at least the DLC is only 400 points.