Archived: Mass Effect New DLC
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 6:08 pm | #2
caint wait loved this on xbox 360
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 6:27 pm | #3
Awesome going to start a new game and buy it.
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 8:35 pm | #5
considering how long they took to release this i really hope it's free.
i don't even know if i still have my level 60 shepard.
DLC is the enemy.
i don't even know if i still have my level 60 shepard.

DLC is the enemy.
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 8:38 pm | #6
I LOVE RPGS. I live for RPGS. They are my cereal, lunch and dinner.
I couldn't get into this game at all. Whatsoever. Slow-paced. Bad shooting action. Terrible interface. Bland, predictable storyline. Yeah...
I couldn't get into this game at all. Whatsoever. Slow-paced. Bad shooting action. Terrible interface. Bland, predictable storyline. Yeah...
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 8:52 pm | #7
I don't think it can release as free when it has achievements. I'm pretty sure that's in Microsoft's achievement policy, not that MS strictly adheres to their own rules. 

Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 8:57 pm | #8
ahhh i see. i wasn't aware. that royally blows.
Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 9:07 pm | #10
Yeah I'm with Nemesis this game was pretty bland for me
Re: Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 9:44 pm | #11
Quote by KnuckPuck:
why you on x360a and they were suposed to make 1250 game developers lie to much
nothing personal but could u reread ur posts before u post them. i had to read that like 6 times to get ur point. no punctuation and missing words. it just seems like a caveman is typing.
ok so on topic i still have to play the original to decide on the dlc, but i will probably get it when i get the game since i like this type of game and setting
Re: Re: Mass Effect New DLC
08/20/09 9:57 pm | #13
Quote by KnuckPuck:
When I'm on the Internet I forget about punctuation and spelling. I'm just a kid I don't have the best grammar.
i kno ur a kid and im not trying to attack u. but that one little word makes a huge difference. ur scentence made it sound like they were making 1250 game developers lie.
why you on x360a, and they were suposed to makeit 1250, game developers lie to much
even with out the commas, the it just makes it easier to read. idk maybe it is just me.