Archived: Magna Carta 2 Goes Gold! Will Make October Release Date
Guy loses memory, guy runs around killing stuff, guy goes crazey and doesn't know why, one of guys friends is captured or used in some way by the enemy,...., guy kills the first planet saviour?,...,etc!
There fixed it for ya

Quote by orange20:
Hell yeah, I couldn't of stated it better myself.
Quote by KSU DS:
Wait till you can buy it used for 20-25 dollars my new rating system it 25 out of 60 dollars!
Its really garbage now that i'm into the game I swear i've played this before oh yeah that peice of poop Enchanted Arms! Basicly the same story line! Guy loses memory, guy runs around killing stuff, guy goes crazey and doesn't know why, one of guys friends is captured or used in some way by the enemy,...., guy kills the first planet saviour?,...,etc!
that's uh.... quite a lot of spoilers i think.

but maybe all that's common knowledge? i guess i really don't know for sure...