Archived: Lego Halo finally true?
Posted Under: Deeper Discussions
Re: Lego Halo finally true?
08/10/09 7:02 pm | #16
What games should lego affiliate with then???
Re: Lego Halo finally true?
08/10/09 7:05 pm | #17
I heard Erector Set is working on a Gears Of War game.
Re: Re: Lego Halo finally true?
08/10/09 8:45 pm | #18
Quote by Snakexeyez911:
What games should lego affiliate with then???
More mature stuff like they were doing- Indiana Jones, Batman, Star Wars, etc.; everyone knows Masterchief is teh fag and Halo belongs on my Wii.
Re: Re: Re: Lego Halo finally true?
08/11/09 1:28 am | #19
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
More mature stuff like they were doing- Indiana Jones, Batman, Star Wars, etc.; everyone knows Masterchief is teh fag and Halo belongs on my Wii.
Just Cuz Halo is Young Doesn't make it a good concept...and Just cuz you Hate halo doesn't make you right either....I mean Lego is doing Rockband and thats a new Idea...does that make it teh fag...