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Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
I bet you were one of those people who used to be really good at 'Where's Waldo' books.
The DLC is fun and worth it if you are a F2 fan! The collector achievement sucked though, and took longer on it's own than the playthrough including grabbing the 10 books.
On that note, I made a save right before I got the final item, so if anyone needs this last achievement, hit me up and you can join my game and I will get it for you!
Anyhoo... 1100/1100 for me! YAY!! 33 retails!
If I wouldn't have had to work, it would've been done sooner!
Quote by theevol1:
The DLC is fun and worth it if you are a F2 fan! The collector achievement sucked though, and took longer on it's own than the playthrough including grabbing the 10 books.
On that note, I made a save right before I got the final item, so if anyone needs this last achievement, hit me up and you can join my game and I will get it for you!
Anyhoo... 1100/1100 for me! YAY!! 33 retails!
Gratz evol! (again...I'll be working on mine soon)
scratch that...apparently my mind went elsewhere for a moment

and Grats Deadly!! Some people spend weeks on that damned airplane.
as soon as I get back to the house Ima knock this out....any chance you can tell me how long it took to finish the DLC?

we're not worthy, we're worthy!!
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