Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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1 more retail, and I can haz shiny new badge on 360v!! 2 more XBLA titles and another new badge!
I need 1 Achievement in both Uno and Carcassonne, and I need 1 more in Surf's up, (which I can't seem to force myself to get!)
Evol, you're killing me man.
Don't pass me up or I'm going to get pissed off and start renting easy 1000G Jap titles.

What is the last one you need in Surf's Up? Would you recommend that game as a rental for teh score whorage?
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Evol, you're killing me man.
Don't pass me up or I'm going to get pissed off and start renting easy 1000G Jap titles.

What is the last one you need in Surf's Up? Would you recommend that game as a rental for teh score whorage?
Of course the last one I need is a collection achievement, (wouldn't be a kids game without it!)
It' not a terrible game. It kind of reminds me of a watered down (no pun intended:rolleyes

A dedicated whore could get at least 900 in a few hours. The last achievement is to collect all surf idols. I have 87/100! Some are tough to find though! Definately rentable.

Quote by Nemesis Mask:
I think setting your Xbox's language settings to a different language so you can pair up with people on a certain server on Halo 3 is far from glitching. Not something you can get banned from. So yeah, youre wrong there buddy. Frankly I find it funny though, back in the day when Halo 3 was barely a month old I joined 1 game and got all the achievements that I needed to from one match on FFA.
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
its not a glitche, i just swapped my language

either way i only have 1 achievement left!!!
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