Archived: Just Broke 10K Today!
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Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/14/08 4:55 pm | #107
He's a dick with ears anyway!! and he gamesaves!! lol
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/15/08 3:40 am | #109
Quote by PSORaine:
haha you sounds jealous of his bodacity!
that and his manly parts....LoL!
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/15/08 5:32 am | #110
Quote by PhatCodyLee:
Im sure but at least he didnt waste his life palying B.H. like some other gamertags i have seen 

Hey! HEY!
You watch yourself, buddy! Bionicle Heroes is a #@%ing sweet game and toa Hahli is a h0t video game chick LOLZ
The graphics are freakin' awesome, and you haven't seen 'Depth of Field' that heavy since Lego Star Wars.
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/15/08 4:34 pm | #112
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Hey! HEY!
You watch yourself, buddy! Bionicle Heroes is a #@%ing sweet game and toa Hahli is a h0t video game chick LOLZ
The graphics are freakin' awesome, and you haven't seen 'Depth of Field' that heavy since Lego Star Wars.
You watch yourself, buddy! Bionicle Heroes is a #@%ing sweet game and toa Hahli is a h0t video game chick LOLZ
The graphics are freakin' awesome, and you haven't seen 'Depth of Field' that heavy since Lego Star Wars.
well Im not sure what the hubub is..I can't even bring myself to finish the game for the achievements themselves...I'm not that big into the gamerscore really, they are cool as hell to unlock...but I'm not going to push myself through another gamer for the points like I did that crappy CSI game...*shutters*
Quote by PSORaine:
he must have a big one if that's all Evol sees when he looks at him...
the manly a llllaaaaaaddddddyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!....LOL
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/15/08 5:10 pm | #114
well she is ahead of a lot of the ladies out brownie points for her....i mean him...i my head is starting to hurt
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/15/08 5:12 pm | #116
guess i'll be sleeping in my hidey hole again
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/15/08 5:36 pm | #118
Thanks...its a good thing no one knows where my hidey hole in my closet so hidden that you would have to get on your knees and look to the right of the closet...if you dont do would never be able to find it.
oh, and there is a box in the way too...extra protection from people seeing it

thanks for the warning
oh, and there is a box in the way too...extra protection from people seeing it

thanks for the warning

Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/15/08 5:37 pm | #119
oh im sure NO ONE will find it now....except for the couple dozen or so people that actually read this lol