Archived: Just Broke 10K Today!
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Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 9:30 pm | #136
Hey TK... JK too
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 10:08 pm | #137
I broke 7k today 
yes, im proud of my 7k lol...

yes, im proud of my 7k lol...
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 10:16 pm | #138
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
I broke 7k today 
yes, im proud of my 7k lol...

yes, im proud of my 7k lol...
Great Job BlakZombieTaco!
If you ever decide to throw down in some XBLA games, send me a FR and add me to your 360Voice watchlist.
Wishing you good luck in your next thousand, leading to the 10K Club!

Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 10:17 pm | #139
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
I broke 7k today 
yes, im proud of my 7k lol...

yes, im proud of my 7k lol...
lol nice
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 10:18 pm | #140
well, me and Mdub93 WERE racing to 10k, but im not so sure that we are anymore >-> sort of a small conflict, but whatever im past that
i love me 7K, even when most of the people around me on this site have like...10K-20K+ :\
but i can feel good knowing that majority of people on Halo 3 and COD4 on live have horrible gamerscores
even if they have a high rank than me (on cod4) or they totally own me (halo 3)
i love me 7K, even when most of the people around me on this site have like...10K-20K+ :\
but i can feel good knowing that majority of people on Halo 3 and COD4 on live have horrible gamerscores

Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 11:37 pm | #141
Generally there are people with small gamerscores just because they play online only.....Their scores maybe small but they are more likely to pwn your ass in their games!!
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 11:45 pm | #143
Hail teh black zombie taco!
When people with 2k gamerscore beat me in Halo or CoD it makes me mad so I load up Bionicle Heroes and pick up more lego pieces. I AM BETTAR THAN U
When people with 2k gamerscore beat me in Halo or CoD it makes me mad so I load up Bionicle Heroes and pick up more lego pieces. I AM BETTAR THAN U
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/20/08 11:45 pm | #144
that post was magicaly delicious rev....bravo dropping the B.H. reference!!!
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/21/08 2:46 am | #145
the game is still gay though
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/21/08 7:03 am | #147
Yeah it is, but putting in another 5 hours for a completed retail game was totally wort it to me! I'm just glad I'll never ever have to play it again! lol
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/21/08 12:12 pm | #148
you sound like me when I got done with the CSI game, LoL
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/21/08 12:15 pm | #149
EXACTLY!! If I never see CSI again it will be too soon!!
Re: Just Broke 10K Today!
06/21/08 12:53 pm | #150
LoL...You aint lying....I was playing bionicle and got the same feeling I had during thats just me