Quote by Crustyhippy:
I just got 10000 today too! Woot! Burrrrnout Parradise!
Damn it feels good eh?
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Hell yeah VIP, way to go dude. How are you liking Aces?
Thanks Padre. Aces of the Galaxy is great! I suspect it's better with a second player though. Hint, hint!
Quote by PSORaine:
lol congrats guys- VIP, that's impressive- with all the arcade games you have and how little time you have, 10k is a HUGE mountain to climb!
I try, and I guess that's all I can do. I'm really proud of my XBLA collection, seeing as how I'm the head writer over at XboxLiveArcade.com
I just wish others shard my passion for these kinds of games.
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
hey i just broke 60k

Way to burst my bubble JiNX!