Quote by kiddcartel:
shine....thunder.....same thing
Quote by PSORaine:
Oh god, I think Kidd's finally cracked.
Quote by theevol1:
FINALLY??!! where have you been?

LOL! The Kidd broke when he met the PSO. It Rained. How do you Evol from that? Ask a Pimp.
I like shine. Yah I'm from the Island off British Columbia, Canada. Redneck central 'eh. The South has returned in the North! Yeehaaa!
Seriously though... the hillbilly generation is just getting near it's end 'round here. Once the global warming thingy gets past off, I think our igloos will cost too much thanks to the oil people. Making them isn't cheap anymore with the average 31% taxes up to a max of 44% just to live here with our free medical (if you can get an appointment before you drop dead), or that education they talk about (I have to pay even though I don't have kids, so those who have 10 or 20 can get free benefits because they can't afford to pay).
I think if my gas generator costs too much next year to operate, I may not be able to play with yous'all anymore. Canada needs Bush! And not your President, just our forests. OUCHY!