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Archived: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
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Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/03/08 7:55 pm | #31

but once taco goes faux fur, he's gonna have to beat them bitches off.
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/03/08 8:07 pm | #33
wtf my internet was out for like 10 mins and this happens
i dont haz beard (yet) raine....but i have a mustache

its pretty beastly
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/03/08 8:09 pm | #34
Quote by Teh PayPahBoi:
wtf my internet was out for like 10 mins and this happens
i dont haz beard (yet) raine....but i have a mustache

its pretty beastly
you got a little mexican rager goin'? nice!
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/03/08 8:10 pm | #35
yes. its another reason why i say im half mexican

id shave it, but itd be back and longer the next day...
maybe thats not a bad idea :o keep shaving let it grow a bit, shave again, and keep that up till i haz a full stache :O
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/13/08 8:30 pm | #36
I am dying for some Lips challanges...any takers out there? Even if it's a dlc i'll buy it. Send a FR with a message about Lips. Please help me
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/14/08 7:16 pm | #38
I'll battle you after Christmas; hoping that I get it, lol.
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/14/08 8:14 pm | #39
Quote by PSORaine:
I still don't have it... I think Laguna is sending it to me for a late xmas present though, so I'll challenge the HELL outta you when I get it!!!!
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/14/08 9:39 pm | #41
Lips battle>? Sounds kinky.
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/14/08 10:15 pm | #43
Quote by PSORaine:
that's right, you heard me!
Re: Interview: November Community Spotlight: Repo Man 360
12/14/08 10:26 pm | #45
Do... I have to pay for tickets, or...
...I mean, is this a "free show" or like, by tips, or..?
I want to 'do the right thing' but..?
Oh and I went ahead and ate all the dip before TK even made the phone calls, so noone worry about shit breaks.
This is gonna be awesome. Five bucks on Raine.
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