Anyways, now that we are past all that, what I have in store for you this month is an interview with the most Hahdcore gamer this side of the East Coast: He will tag you with a smoke grenade faster than you can rev a chiansaw. He's known to some of his friends as "Rambo-Repo", and to some of his enemies as....well, as a punk-bitch because he kills them too much. Anyways, Repo Man 360 is November's Community Spotlight!!!
Hailing from the Sunshine state, unless it is hurricane season, of Florida and being a member since April of this year, Repo Man 360 enjoys music and rhythm games when he is not killing me for fun in Shadowrun, in attempt to get his Vista kills.
Hektic: Well Repo, let me thank you for doing this interview. Lets get right in it: First off, tell us a bit about yourself. What part of Florida you from?
Repo Man 360: No problem Juggs. I was born in California raised in Jacksonville (FL) and i've lived in Key West for the past 9 years.
H: What do you do for work?
R: I am a banker at a local bank (no sub prime loans here), and actually I have seen people bringing money coming in from the big banks, rather than taking it out of my bank. So we are doing just fine.
H: Ah, so the crappy state of the economy hasn't really bothered you much down there?
R: As far as my work no, but jobs in general are getting hard to come by. We are a tourist town so many people in that work force are getting laid off come visit us won't you!
H: Pay for my plane ticket and put me up for a week and I'm there

R: Here in the Keys any Hurricane is a bad one, but this year we have made out ok so far (the season's not over yet). We were wrecked by the storms of 2006 and we aren't back to 100% yet.
H: Wow, that must be rough; we have a few minor ones now and then, but any major hurricanes are few and far between. I remember you disappearing for a weekend end earlier this month; something about "Fantasy Fest"? What was that about?
R: Fantasy Fest is wild "mardi gras" style event we have here (in Key West) every october. It's been going on for years and it's always a good time. The party lasts a whole week and ends with a themed parade. This year was Politics, pundants, and pirates, and I got to see more Palins than Alaska has women . I'd love to post some pics, but even the ones with clothes are a little wild (and I know we have some younger members I wouldn't want to offend).
H: Wow. Well, I am booking reservations to the Keys now; I will see you at next year's Fantasy Fest

R: I was playing Halo on XBConnect (an online service before xbox live) and I noticed a pattern in the names: Grim Reaper, Death, Acrhangel etc, and I wanted to use a name that people REALLY fear. So Repo Man was the obivious choice.
H: Agreed. Ah yes, XBConnect. I remember those days fondly; the poor-man's Xbox Live. What games are you currently playing?
R: I'm always down for a Shadowrun, but I'm also playing Castle Crashers and a mix of FPS (UT3 the most recent).
*Editor's note: These games are subject to change. Please consult Repo Man 360's Gamercard for most current games played.
H: Nice. Well, we have seen the release of the New Xbox Experience; any particular feature you were really excited about?
R: I'm used to Xbox being the trend-setter, so this Wii-like update had me troubled at first. I have started embracing it and I think the customization is going to be awesome (Rambo Repo avatar, yes please).
H: Lol. I am going back and forth with my avatar; I had a mini-me at first, now I switched it up to a juggalo-looking kid, but I might change back. So, do you have an all-time favorite system? Anything from the Atari to the Jaguar 32x...
R: I would have to say the original Nintendo NES. It was the first system I ever had and my cheap parents taught me to love the crappy games at a young age; there were some awesome classics like Bionic Commando, Super Mario Bros,and Ninja Gaiden to name a few, but some of my favs were Bad Dudes, Archon, and Freedom forces.
H: Ah, some classics Well, this year we have had Gears 2 drop, Dead Space and Saints Row 2 releasing last month, and a multitude of other titles waiting to be picked up. Is there a game that you are really looking forward to this holiday season?
R: Guitar Hero World Tour baby! I know I know "Rock Band's way better, did it first, blah blah blah", but I remember playing Red Octane's Guitar Hero at a convention before it was released. I have always loved there controllers and they are the originators. I have the Rock Band instruments, but I have to pick up the GHWT set as well (where Imma put it all is another story).
H: Well, to finish it up a bit, any new Fall games that met or exceeded your expectations this year? Was Gears 2 everything you hoped it would be?
R: I was looking forward to SR2, but the story fell a bit short. The saving grace is the co op (when it works). GoW2 is both a great story and an awesome co op (worst end boss ever) and last but not least GHWT: I am dying to play this game, but someone who says I'm "difficult" to buy for bought it as a Christmas gift. She won't even let me rent the regular version. I have to get her back but I'm out of ideas. My best so far is a flatscreen box full of fruitcake. Anyone else have a better idea (looking for funny ideas). Thanks for the wicked hardcore interview now let's play some wingman!
Lol, flatscreen box full of fruitcake, that would be awesome. Well Repo, I appreciate you taking the time to sit and talk with me. I look forward to throwing an Xbox Live Party with ya. For those of you with questions for Repo Man, post them below and I'm sure he will be happy to answer, provided he gets achievement points for doing so.