Hektic: Well Random, tell us a bit about yourself: What are you currently doing? Family? Current games?
Random Hero: Ok, Well i have been around Video games since about 1985. I started with the great old game Gyromite(R.O.B). I have been married for 5 years and have two beautiful little girls. My 4 year old is showing intrest in games already 'Sweet'. My wife says i am to old to play games. I just laugh and say she is crazy. I am turning 32 on the 15th. I am a full-time firefighter overseas right now(contract). I am stationed at Taqaddum(TQ). This is my 3rd year over here in Iraq. I really enjoy playing games with the troops and contractors over here in my spare time. And as for games i enjoy? I love FPS games. Like COD4,Halo, Etc. It is so much fun to play multi-player games like that. I think it brings friends closer. What am i doing right now? Sitting at the station and finding out if were playing Halo tonight. It's like 715pm and this is about the time we muster for gaming.
H: Well, happy birthday! Your third year in Iraq? That is amazing. If you don't mind my asking, how is it over there? No problem getting time to game, I see

RH: Well, At this site i am at now'Al Anbar Province' it still is active. The base is quiet but the troops still deal with idiots out in town. As for playing games here? We have a px here and they sell all platforms(Wii,PS3,Xbox360). The only problem is the power runs off 220volts. And alot of people are used to stateside and plug there 360 in and POP! there goes the a.c. box'fried'. So you must have a conveter to step it down to 110v. Other wise we system link throughout the firehouse and invite who ever wants to play. It passes time pretty good.
H: It sounds like you've had some first hand experience with the voltage problem

RH: Well my Daughter plays with her Leappad and when she see's me playing xbox she wants to take turns.
She thinks it's fun. She also likes to just watch. Now my wife? She like her Nintendo DS. She is very into Big Brain academy. She likes puzzle games. She can deal with the gaming but family comes first. Thats her motto. Even though when i am at home i play when evryone goes to bed. SO i can play more Adult games like COD4 and Halo.
H: Lol, I first got hooked on gaming with Tetris and Dr. Mario, so lets hear it for some puzzle games

RH: It is a one year contract.
H:Is there a specific time of the year you get to come home, or are you forced by the contract to stay the full term?
RH: Just when your full year is up. You can leave when you want but you will be taxed on all the money you make.(80K is tax free).
H: That's right, gotta pay your taxes, lol. Now you said this is your third year out there. Have you been stationed at TQ all 3 years, or does the location change?
RH:It Changes. It all depends where they need you and what Firefighting certifications you have. I have been to Camp Taji,Q-West, And TQ this year.
H: Was there one spot in particular you liked the most or the least?
RH: I enjoyed being at camp Taji. There was a pool there we used for PT(physical training). Also we used to system link our xbox with the military. I used to work in the tower. i was a ARFF(Airport,Rescue,Firefighter) guy.
H: You've been a member of XbA for quite some time. Do you remember how you first came upon the site?
RH: Well I Lived in Columbus Ohio and wanted to see if there was any local websites that hosted online gaming for the Xbox360. And i came across Xbox Ohio. That was this sites first name. And i began talking with the people on here and found out that some people lived not to far from me. And i really enjoy this type of community.
H: Can you think of any improvements or different things you would like to see implemented on the site?
RH: Maybe have more Meet-ups online. Also see if we can get some more contests going. I remember the COD2 and Halo Matches. Those were fun. And maybe post the standing on the site. But keep it in house and you must be a member for a few months to enter.
H: Alright, now this one is pure curiosity: How did you come up with your gamertag?
RH: I enjoy helping others alot.
H: Fair enough. Is there anything in particular you would like to add? Something you would like XbA to know?
RH: I love junk food. I can sit with my daughter and watch cartoons and eat oreo cookies all day with her. She loves them and so do I. Thank you for putting in the time for this interview.
H: Thank you for sitting down with me and talking. You have given the Random Heros out there a voice, and we appreciate all that you do. If anyone has a question for Random, drop it below and I'm sure he would be more than happy to answer. Till next month all!