Archived: Interview: April Community Spotlight: Meg a destr0yer
Posted Under: Articles
Re: Interview: April Community Spotlight: Meg a destr0yer
07/02/08 2:27 am | #38
anybody know if theres gonna be a june/july community spotlight? lol
Re: Interview: April Community Spotlight: Meg a destr0yer
07/02/08 2:31 am | #40
pfft...if theres anything about dominating, im pretty sure itd be me 
i waltz right in, demanded some respect, and got shock jolted into a cage! talk about domination!

i waltz right in, demanded some respect, and got shock jolted into a cage! talk about domination!
Re: Interview: April Community Spotlight: Meg a destr0yer
07/02/08 2:34 am | #42
ur sig sux0rz cracka!! lol
btw, i was shock jolted by a forkin CAR BATTERY! DAYOOM does that get you pumped!!!
bai bai shock
i guess ill get off to. maybe watch something i have tivo'd thne its lights out for me.
night all~
paco's out like a lightbulb (especially the ones in my room, 3/4 are burned out >_<
btw, i was shock jolted by a forkin CAR BATTERY! DAYOOM does that get you pumped!!!
bai bai shock

i guess ill get off to. maybe watch something i have tivo'd thne its lights out for me.
night all~
paco's out like a lightbulb (especially the ones in my room, 3/4 are burned out >_<

Re: Interview: April Community Spotlight: Meg a destr0yer
07/02/08 4:03 am | #43
Since this thread got gravedug, lemme offer 2 new cents: Meg is awesome, play Shadowrun with her right now. I would, but I'm busy with GH:Aero 
Oh, and let me say that weird knot on the back of her head is the perfect shape for pinging grenades off of when you want some cover, ie smoke.
It is, however, not good for wanging incendiary or frag 'nades off of.

Oh, and let me say that weird knot on the back of her head is the perfect shape for pinging grenades off of when you want some cover, ie smoke.
It is, however, not good for wanging incendiary or frag 'nades off of.