Hektic: We all know you as a gamer, but is there anything else we should know about you? Any career goals/long-term plans?
Meg: I'm going to school for Computer Information Technology. I plan to transfer to ECU in a year or so, once I get done with the Community College I'm currently attending. I don't know what I want to do as far as the CIT goes, I was going to do Criminal Justice but that got boring after like 3 classes, I lost my interest.

Hektic: Awesome. As a female gamer, do you often find yourself being rediculed or harassed during Live matches, or do the majority of people not even comment/notice?
Meg: Yes, all the time. I can't even play one night without having someone comment about me being a girl. For a long time it was just Gears of War that most guys said something about. It's always the same, it's either guys trying to hit on me and add me as soon as they find out I'm a girl or they are like DUDE HAVE YOUR BALLS DROPPED YET? LIKE OMG YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE 12. Sometimes you get remarks such as "get back in the kitchen" blah blah blah, or it's "where do you live, do you have a boyfriend???"

Hektic: Ha ha, I'm sure that gets old quickly. Speaking of Shadowrun, I guess it is no secret around here that it is one of your favorite games. Was there anything specific about it gameplay-wise that made it stand out to you so much, or was it just inexplicably entertaining? If there was such a gameplay mechanic, would you like to see it reused in future games, or would the novelty of it have worn off?
Meg: There is so much replay value to that game. Even after I bought it, now after like almost a year after having it I still get excited to play!

Hektic: So, what initially brought you into gaming? Was there a specific reason you chose the 360 gaming platform, as opposed to any other next-gen console?
Meg: Actually, it was my boyfriend

Hektic: Well now, with so many highly anticipated releases this year what with GTA4 around the corner and Gears 2 slated for November, to name a few, is there one title in particular you are especially looking forward to?
Meg: I'm not excited about GTA4. I played on the PS2 awhile ago but never really got into doing missions or anything, just liked going around and beating down ho's for their money. I'm overwhelmed with Gears 2 coming out in November I just hope the date doesn't get pushed back. That game will be my new Shadowrun, haha. I'm really excited about Unreal Tournament III coming out.. or atleast I hope it gets released, since the date keeps getting pushed back. That was like the first real game I played and got into, it was so cool on the PC. I'm not too sure how it's going to turn out for the 360 but other than that I'm not really excited about anything else coming out.
Well thank you Meg for this enlightening look into your life; GTA4 has hit, and Meg is a less-then-impressed fan. I'm sure good things await for those who wait, and UTIII and Gears 2 will be huge. If you have any questions of your own for Meg, just post them below and I am speaking for her when I say that I'm sure she will be happy to answer