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Archived: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
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Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/21/08 7:27 am | #106
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Case in point: Raine is even schmexier than normal because she can haz video games.
Meta wins. Mods close thread plz.
lol Right on the money!! Rev has such a way with words!
You smooth bastard!!
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/21/08 4:39 pm | #107
smoother operator started playing in my head when I read this post, lol
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/21/08 8:08 pm | #109
Hey thats what Im here for
Putting Music In Your Ear Hole Since 1984
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
08/20/08 3:48 pm | #113
Great stuff I really enjoyed the read. I have to agree with how everyone acts giddy when a girl enters a XBL room. I personally find it funny how all the guys get deep suave voices and act like they are the shiznit, or go the other route and are a complete pig and make themselves look like jackasses....I play with a few girls on COD4 and I give them the same respect that I give everyone else. If you're a jerk I'll let you know but if you play nice I'll be cool to you....
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
08/20/08 4:10 pm | #114
I was playing FOA on COD4 when a girl started talking about her 'backdoor' adventures in graphic detail complete with accurate audible recreations.
This is one of the better examples of attention waffling that I have come across.
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
08/20/08 4:39 pm | #115
attention waffle girls are annoying. if a girl games, then cool. good for her

but when they just go all "hey whats up im a girl" and they say it JUST because they kow guys will flirt w/ them and stuff and go easy on her because shes a girl its annoying. ive been owned on halo 3 by a girl before. i dont really care. theres like 4 or 5 girls on a few MLG teams..
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
08/20/08 7:32 pm | #117
You're right! If it's a guy saying shit like that, it's usually complaint filing time. If it's a girl, then it's FR time! lol So sad!
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