Archived: Hi, New to XBA!!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 3:51 pm | #16
Welcome to the boards.
Re: Re: Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 3:56 pm | #17
Quote by Lobstah 1125:
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Hail Lobstah! How are you liking Interpol man? I read the description of it and it sounds neat.
uh oh easy achievements might mean a buy for me lol
Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 4:11 pm | #19
Quote by PSORaine:
Oooooooooo!!!!!!! Welcome new New England guy!!!! Do you have a plan SO GOOD it's retaaaah-ded???
Wait... Maine's New England isn't it???
OK, I AM older than you, pretty sure, but we don't LEAD with that!!! Sheeesh! What an ass! I'm a lady, you know!
You were born in 81, right OG? Evol and I were 79.
uh oh easy achievements might mean a buy for me lol
Yeah, Evol and I played the demo and looked up the achieves and were like- umm... these aren't tough. I'm saddyfacing that it's where's waldo not carmen sandiego though.

Quote by Minioger:
Welcome to the site!
Few quick notes:
Avoid TKs Dip.
Expect random comments.
Apparently Raine is older than I am.
I'm up for almost any type of game if you ever need help! Have fun!
Few quick notes:
Avoid TKs Dip.
Expect random comments.
Apparently Raine is older than I am.
I'm up for almost any type of game if you ever need help! Have fun!
OK, I AM older than you, pretty sure, but we don't LEAD with that!!! Sheeesh! What an ass! I'm a lady, you know!

Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
uh oh easy achievements might mean a buy for me lol
Yeah, Evol and I played the demo and looked up the achieves and were like- umm... these aren't tough. I'm saddyfacing that it's where's waldo not carmen sandiego though.
I've been waiting all darn day for you to read that...

81 I was born in. @ss I am. It was kind of a joke with the first line anyhow with random comments.
To try to stay on topic though....
Lobstah did you like Legendary? I'm curious.

Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 5:00 pm | #22
welcome fellow new englander! what's up? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........lobster!
Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 5:03 pm | #23
I thought I was old being born in 82. You all have made me feel much better

Re: Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 6:53 pm | #24
Quote by Minioger:
Lobstah did you like Legendary? I'm curious. 

I do like the game but it is just so nerve racking, I am at the very end, on Hard, where you have to feed the energy stuff into pandora's box. But my nerves wont let me finsh it, lol. Those werewovles really *&^% me off!
Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 6:58 pm | #25
Welcome to XBA!
just follow the simple rules such as avoiding the dip....
omg i effin love lobster! well technically all seafood but w/e
just follow the simple rules such as avoiding the dip....
omg i effin love lobster! well technically all seafood but w/e
Re: Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 9:35 pm | #27
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
I thought I was old being born in 82. You all have made me feel much better 

i thought i was old being born in 85.
you've made me feel much better.

Re: Hi, New to XBA!!
01/08/09 10:38 pm | #29
Sweet, another person with legendary.....I smell some multi-player brewing. Lets set a time and place and do it. That don't sound right does it!!!