Stranglehold - I really loved the demo, but there was just too much last fall to warrant me picking this up. Plus it's got multiplayer, so that might keep it spinning a little longer than normal.
Lost Planet - I loved the original demo that came out for it, but didn't care much for the multiplayer demo.
Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six: Vegas - I never played the demo for this, but I did play the original Rainbow Six for the N64 and loved it. Nothing cooler than taking down tangos with a partner. Assuming this has good multiplayer and co-op, could this warrant a good purchase?
King Kong - Would a $20 price tag make this a good purchase? I don't really know how long it is, but I do remember this being the first game I played when the Xbox 360 demo station hit GameStop and being floored at the graphics.
So uh, thanks for any input.