Archived: Hello everyone
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone
02/27/09 3:28 am | #1
Just thought I would say hi to everyone on this site. My name is mike and I'm from 30 min north of pitt. (that's right Pa the state of pot holes) I've been around since the atari 2600 and have never look back. I collect video games. (nes atari and sega saturn mostly) Just wanted to say hi to every one and say this is the best site for the 360 I've found so far. Props to the people that came up with this site and the ones that run it.Any one can feel free to message me for any help that they need. Even if I have maxed the game out more then happy to help out a fellow gamer.
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 4:36 am | #3
Welcome to the wonderful world of XBA! dont forget to join the XBA/360 voice group we need only 5 members to be 200 strong!!
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 5:09 am | #4
Welcome to XBA Mike. I live about 15 - 20 minutes south of Pittsburgh.... depending on how fast you drive.
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 10:45 am | #5
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 11:12 am | #6
i live about half an hour south of pitt.
i live about half an hour south of pitt.
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 11:25 am | #8
Bienvenidos al Sitio!
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 11:47 am | #9
Welcome to the site!
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 11:48 am | #10
Welcome to XbA man!!!
Cool, looks like Dip trial 22101-1A is working. Thats the one were we added The Dip to the PA water supply...Hehehe oops, I wasn't sapposed to tell anyone!!!
Cool, looks like Dip trial 22101-1A is working. Thats the one were we added The Dip to the PA water supply...Hehehe oops, I wasn't sapposed to tell anyone!!!
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 12:39 pm | #12
Seems like its only hitting us folks on the western side of pa. You may want to try to make it a little stronger.
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 12:56 pm | #13
Re: Hello everyone
02/27/09 1:38 pm | #14
Welcome to the madness! Since you have already been exposed to the dip (thanks to TK tainting the water supply) I'm afraid you cannot be saved.