Archived: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/21/08 11:22 am | #16
Bienvenidos al Sitio!
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/21/08 11:59 am | #17
Hey thanks for the welcome guys...and master, kidd is going to be playing Madden 06,07,and 08 eventually to get my score on up sure there are a few more out there that he has that he can get the points for me with
and thanks juniper, i forgot about the xbox cards
and thanks juniper, i forgot about the xbox cards
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/21/08 2:36 pm | #19
welcome to xba
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/21/08 4:05 pm | #20
Hi there and welcome! So your the reason "The Kidd" has been gone so long huh. Well maybe now I can cook up some waffles with the BOTH of you

Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/21/08 4:22 pm | #22
Quote by Vishis31:
Hey thanks for the welcome guys...and master, kidd is going to be playing Madden 06,07,and 08 eventually to get my score on up sure there are a few more out there that he has that he can get the points for me with
and thanks juniper, i forgot about the xbox cards
and thanks juniper, i forgot about the xbox cards
Welcome to the site!
Kidd told me that he was DYING to play Eragon for you to get your Gamerscore up!
hold him to it!

Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/22/08 2:58 pm | #24
Evol........u motherfucker
Thats All I want to say.....LOL!!!!!
Thats All I want to say.....LOL!!!!!
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/22/08 3:05 pm | #25
Quote by PSORaine:
Hey Charity! Welcome!!!!
And who the heck didn't know Kidd was married? I'm fairly sure you posted in the congrats thread I made for them, NOAH...
Anyway, gamerscore will come with time!!! You guys have to take part in the new, improved xba nights!!!
And who the heck didn't know Kidd was married? I'm fairly sure you posted in the congrats thread I made for them, NOAH...
Anyway, gamerscore will come with time!!! You guys have to take part in the new, improved xba nights!!!
LOL you're probably right...
you really have to look at the time of my posts.
if it's any time after 6 PM EST it's likely i'm drunk and won't remember a damn thing from the night before.
anyway... welcome again!
and don''t worry about having a low GS.
doesn't really prove anything, and everyone has to start somewhere!
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/22/08 3:06 pm | #26
Hail and welcome, Charity!
I recommend starting off with Dash of Destruction
I recommend starting off with Dash of Destruction
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/22/08 4:04 pm | #27
hello there.....
welcome to the site, always great to see new people
welcome to the site, always great to see new people
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/22/08 7:41 pm | #28
Welcome to XbA Charity!!! The Dip is safe if you wear KiDD's P.E. when you handle it!!!
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/22/08 10:21 pm | #29
O Hai Tere!
Re: Hello Hello Hello Hello!!
12/23/08 1:16 pm | #30
Quote by TK Chillin:
The Dip is safe if you wear KiDD's P.E. when you handle it!!!
LOL....I don't get it