Archived: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/19/08 8:59 pm | #32
I am ONE with the Dip!!!!LoL!!!!!For now anyway it's getting harder to control it now as it hasn't had anything but a little kitty in the last few days.
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/19/08 9:03 pm | #33
Quote by PSORaine:
Oh TK TK TK... your secrets are not your own. There are others aware of... the dip. Some wish to help you, but some... are hunting you. They want your knowledge of the dip... your ability to control it.
yeah like that picture TK sent me on live where Iron Man was standing in the doorway. I think Tony Stark was looking for a new weapon and saw the whole dip situation unfolding.
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/19/08 11:32 pm | #34
welcome to XBA hope you like it here.
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/19/08 11:37 pm | #36
i got a picture like that too, but iron man sent it to me and it was tk chillin at his front door.
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/21/08 3:23 pm | #38
Dip and Kool-aid. Anyone have some Jell-o and Doritos and you have me for life.
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/21/08 5:01 pm | #39
Quote by WH Gercain:
Dip and Kool-aid. Anyone have some Jell-o and Doritos and you have me for life.
i gots teh jello =D
no doritos tho...they mysteriously dissappeared when i was in Tn these past 2 days >-> hmmm
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/25/08 3:16 am | #40
What's up?! I am from Boise also. Currently stationed in Washington (state), but born in Boise.
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/25/08 5:58 pm | #42
Quote by PSORaine:
Hey! Lou's stationed in washington right now too!!! But I think he's from... Brazil or something...

or is it puerto rico?
bah....i need to kick my bro off the 360, as my mom isnt here to re-kick me off...but then hed go all waffle and bagel to her over the phone about how much of an 455 im being >_< bah! he needs to get a life and some friends!
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/25/08 7:47 pm | #43
Quote by Teh PayPahBoi:
or is it puerto rico?
bah....i need to kick my bro off the 360, as my mom isnt here to re-kick me off...but then hed go all waffle and bagel to her over the phone about how much of an 455 im being >_< bah! he needs to get a life and some friends!
bah....i need to kick my bro off the 360, as my mom isnt here to re-kick me off...but then hed go all waffle and bagel to her over the phone about how much of an 455 im being >_< bah! he needs to get a life and some friends!
how old is he.
Re: Hello From Beautiful Boise Idaho!
10/25/08 8:02 pm | #44
Quote by TK Chillin:
how old is he.
lil bagel is 15...just told his arse off too. making fun of him, and how he needs to get his own console working (it needs a hard drive, or he needs a memory card) then made fun of him of how me needs more friends, and go other places, and bageled at him of how i clearly said dont mess w/ a gamer when theyre in the mid of something, and mdae fun of him when he quit in FM2 because he got a little behind (6/8...isnt that behind, it IS possible to catch up..) and he thought hed be a tough guy and shoved me up against a wall (MY wall, in MY room) and was all "dont be talkin about s$!t like you know more then i do" and i was like "your in like, what, 10th grade? im not sposed to no more then you! but atleast i dont b!#$h about everything and quit when im even a little behind!" (no, our mom isnt home shes out, forget where...he has a very foul mouth, i usually censor myeslf but meh, didnt feel like it)...
im thinkin aobut kickin him off the 360..correction, MY 360, even though i have all night to play (which i do, but that waffle is in MY territory when he steps in the gaming realm) but...bah, hes such a pain sometimes...most of the time actually...tbh