Archived: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:31 pm | #17
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
So if something like world of warcraft came to the 360 the achievements would never end?
world of warcraft does have achievements.... Just not the kind that you can unlock and get points on your account. you do things in the game that unlock achievements just like 360 achievements but the points don't get put on your account. I'm not sure if they unlock certain things in game or not.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:41 pm | #18
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
yeah why does halo 3 have 1700 points where all others can only have 1250.
Fallout 3 is supposedly going to surpass the 1750 barrier when all of its dlc is released.
news to me!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:53 pm | #19
Quote by Noah 9000:
news to me!

Quote by
Fallout 3 to be the 2nd Game to Break the 1250 "Cap"
Written Friday, January 30, 2009 by Dan Webb
OXM's podcast recently uncovered a priceless gem of information for all Fallout 3 and achievement fans worldwide. Todd Howard, Fallout 3's Executive Producer stated that Fallout 3 will hit the 1350 mark after the March DLC pack titled "Broken Steel".
Howard states "the second one is going to have 4 more achievements worth 100 points, and the third one, right now, is going to have 6, worth 150 points." Howard continues to mention that it might not stop there, "350 points ... assuming these are the only ones we do."
Oooohh Bethesda, you do love to tease us. Not only does the DLC have plenty of points, but there may be more to come? It makes me smile inside ... and outside actually.
Oh, and if you do listen to the podcast ... good listen by the way, ignore OXM's Ryan when he states that Fallout 3 will be the biggest points haul on Live for any one title. Pah, has he heard of Halo 3? *jaw drops*
Written Friday, January 30, 2009 by Dan Webb
OXM's podcast recently uncovered a priceless gem of information for all Fallout 3 and achievement fans worldwide. Todd Howard, Fallout 3's Executive Producer stated that Fallout 3 will hit the 1350 mark after the March DLC pack titled "Broken Steel".
Howard states "the second one is going to have 4 more achievements worth 100 points, and the third one, right now, is going to have 6, worth 150 points." Howard continues to mention that it might not stop there, "350 points ... assuming these are the only ones we do."
Oooohh Bethesda, you do love to tease us. Not only does the DLC have plenty of points, but there may be more to come? It makes me smile inside ... and outside actually.
Oh, and if you do listen to the podcast ... good listen by the way, ignore OXM's Ryan when he states that Fallout 3 will be the biggest points haul on Live for any one title. Pah, has he heard of Halo 3? *jaw drops*
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:55 pm | #20

Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:56 pm | #21
so they MIGHT add more... but where are you getting >1750 from?
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:59 pm | #22
It's bethesda they pushed the barrier once they must do it again lol i just have a certain feeling and hopefully im right and by the time Elder Scrolls V rolls around I'm hoping that will have even more than fallout 3 lol
I may have read that bottom part wrong at first thats where I got the over 1750... Wouldnt it be cool if they made it OVER 9000
I may have read that bottom part wrong at first thats where I got the over 1750... Wouldnt it be cool if they made it OVER 9000

Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 10:00 pm | #23
that'd be.... THE BEST EVER!

Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 11:39 pm | #24
I'd love to buy the LE of Halo Wars... but I have no doubt that Target will only have the regular editions. Ugh.
Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/18/09 12:59 pm | #25
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
I think they are taking H3 too far....cant believe they are still bringing out new crap for it. haven't even played my copy in over 4 months
Exactly. I still play it, but I feel they're milking it for all it's worth and it's getting really annoying.
March 10th
03/04/09 10:17 am | #26
The three mythic map packs are being released for download on march tenth on XBL if you did not purchase halo wars.
Re: March 10th
03/04/09 2:02 pm | #27
Quote by General Hijinks:
The three mythic map packs are being released for download on march tenth on XBL if you did not purchase halo wars.
What are your sources for that date? Right now there's sever speculation as to when it's coming out. Alot of people think today because of the date halo wars was released (the 3rd) plus todays date (the 4th) equals 7, bungies favorite number.
Though I really want a link to official information about the release date. I don't want to wait till April that alot of people are implying this along with bungie. then again bungie doesn't control when it comes out onto the market place, Microsoft does.
Re: Re: March 10th
03/04/09 2:55 pm | #28
Quote by Dafnier:
Quote by General Hijinks:
The three mythic map packs are being released for download on march tenth on XBL if you did not purchase halo wars.
What are your sources for that date? Right now there's sever speculation as to when it's coming out. Alot of people think today because of the date halo wars was released (the 3rd) plus todays date (the 4th) equals 7, bungies favorite number.
Though I really want a link to official information about the release date. I don't want to wait till April that alot of people are implying this along with bungie. then again bungie doesn't control when it comes out onto the market place, Microsoft does.
I doubt Bungie would hint towards a release date which was incorrect. They may not have control, but I guarantee they either have influence or knowledge.
I would put good money on April 7th.
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
03/08/09 4:06 pm | #29
lolz a bump, but this makes me wonder
if we DONT get the MMP, but we buy ODST, do we get all 6 maps?? or do you have to purchase them wether youre getting ODST or not? cause i dont wanna buy them if i can just get ODST and get all 6....
if we DONT get the MMP, but we buy ODST, do we get all 6 maps?? or do you have to purchase them wether youre getting ODST or not? cause i dont wanna buy them if i can just get ODST and get all 6....