Archived: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 7:30 pm | #1
Cool. Now is this all six maps? Because I heard that three were being released like this, and then the other three were being released at a later time.
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 7:33 pm | #2
I think they are taking H3 too far....cant believe they are still bringing out new crap for it. haven't even played my copy in over 4 months
Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 7:40 pm | #3
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
Cool. Now is this all six maps? Because I heard that three were being released like this, and then the other three were being released at a later time.
no. 3 maps (Assembly, Orbital, and Sandbox) ship with halo wars or you can get them on marketplace shortly thereafter. the other 3 maps are shipping with halo ODST later in the year
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 7:42 pm | #5
But doesnt that also sum up M$?
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 7:45 pm | #6
I was able to find new information and my two week estimate was way off. It looks like we're looking at five weeks instead. I guess Bungie really wants to provide an incentive to buy Halo Wars.
Yeah, The Mythic Map Pack is made up of the maps Assembly, Orbital and Sandbox. Three other maps, Heretic; Citadel and Longshore, have been announced but will be a part of Halo: ODST coming late this year.
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
Cool. Now is this all six maps? Because I heard that three were being released like this, and then the other three were being released at a later time.
Yeah, The Mythic Map Pack is made up of the maps Assembly, Orbital and Sandbox. Three other maps, Heretic; Citadel and Longshore, have been announced but will be a part of Halo: ODST coming late this year.
Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 7:50 pm | #7
Quote by WitnessBoobie:
I was able to find new information and my two week estimate was way off. It looks like we're looking at five weeks instead. I guess Bungie really wants to provide an incentive to buy Halo Wars.
Yeah, The Mythic Map Pack is made up of the maps Assembly, Orbital and Sandbox. Three other maps, Heretic; Citadel and Longshore, have been announced but will be a part of Halo: ODST coming late this year.
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
Cool. Now is this all six maps? Because I heard that three were being released like this, and then the other three were being released at a later time.
Yeah, The Mythic Map Pack is made up of the maps Assembly, Orbital and Sandbox. Three other maps, Heretic; Citadel and Longshore, have been announced but will be a part of Halo: ODST coming late this year.
All right, got it. So their pulling the same thing with the other three maps, just with ODST instead of Halo Wars. Got it. Don't really want to wait 5 weeks after Halo Wars, but don't really want to buy it.
I know! I'll buy Halo Wars, enter the code, then return it to Gamestop for a decent amount. Ehh... that's desperate. LOL
Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 8:55 pm | #8

Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:02 pm | #10
not necessarily if a game has achievements that I don't have I will always play that game lol but thats just me I can see how some people say it gets old.
Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:10 pm | #12
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
But isn't halo 3 getting a little old by now, I thought it was all about gears 2 and call of duty wow right now.
i played it for 7 days and i new it was old.

Re: Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:10 pm | #13
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
not necessarily if a game has achievements that I don't have I will always play that game lol but thats just me I can see how some people say it gets old.
yeah why does halo 3 have 1700 points where all others can only have 1250.
Fallout 3 is supposedly going to surpass the 1750 barrier when all of its dlc is released.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Release Date
02/17/09 9:24 pm | #15
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
yeah why does halo 3 have 1700 points where all others can only have 1250.
Fallout 3 is supposedly going to surpass the 1750 barrier when all of its dlc is released.
Microsoft only allows 250Gs max per DLC achievement release so it can get up there depending on however many dlcs they relaese