Archived: Greetings..
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 11:33 pm | #31
I need to pay for it all together.
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 11:47 pm | #32
i'll put 100 on it!! That's how i roll!
Re: Greetings..
09/22/07 12:49 am | #33
i put down 40 dollars on the limited edition so i owe like 30 or sumthin like that.
Re: Greetings..
09/22/07 11:56 am | #34
Mesa not gettin Halo 3 for a while. =/
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 12:51 pm | #35
i paid it off last not so all i have to do is pick mine up
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 1:38 pm | #36
who's Mesa
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 2:56 pm | #37
>.>; You're kidding me right?
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 4:39 pm | #38
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 4:55 pm | #39
I think she was talking like jar-jar binks from Star Wars. That's the way he talks. It's hard to tell though when it's written
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 5:04 pm | #40
welcome O(
i finished paying mine today!!! just have to pick it up!!! BOO-YAH

i finished paying mine today!!! just have to pick it up!!! BOO-YAH
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 5:14 pm | #41
Re: Greetings..
09/23/07 10:10 pm | #42
exactly meg it doesnt make since so all there is to say is what
Re: Greetings..
09/24/07 7:43 am | #43
Quote by Pastafarianism:
I think she was talking like jar-jar binks from Star Wars. That's the way he talks. It's hard to tell though when it's written
Ding ding ding! Pasta gets the prize! Mesa Jar Jar Binks!
Re: Greetings..
09/24/07 12:17 pm | #44
I'm so confused.
Re: Greetings..
09/24/07 3:18 pm | #45
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Mesa not gettin Halo 3 for a while. =/
she saying shes not gettin halo 3 for a while. mesa = me's a = im