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Archived: Greetings..
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Re: Greetings..
09/19/07 6:38 pm | #16
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
I think all of you boys need to stop picking on the girl.

Sexist people! KIDDING!
welcome, even though I don't play any of the games you do, see you around.
What??? You know girls can't play video games lol. They just know how to cook
Re: Greetings..
09/19/07 6:39 pm | #17
Re: Greetings..
09/19/07 7:04 pm | #18
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
Lol, welcome aboard. And since the creation of this thread he'll never be back again...Thanks for scaring off another one guys!
our bad
Re: Greetings..
09/19/07 7:48 pm | #19
What??? You know girls can't play video games lol. They just know how to cook
Actually I can only cook wontons and mac and cheese o.o;
Re: Greetings..
09/19/07 7:56 pm | #20
I can cook and play games.
I guess that makes me like... Super Woman!
Re: Greetings..
09/19/07 8:07 pm | #21
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
I can cook and play games.
I guess that makes me like... Super Woman!
woot rock on meg
Re: Greetings..
09/20/07 12:37 am | #22
so you can cook but how well?? I think you should cook dinner and have the whole XBA gang over to try it out
Re: Greetings..
09/20/07 10:36 pm | #23
so you can cook but how well?? I think you should cook dinner and have the whole XBA gang over to try it out
good idea and make it on the 25th so we can throw a wild halo 3 party
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 12:28 am | #24
Awwww Detreth you took the words right out of my keyboard lol
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 4:27 pm | #25
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 9:46 pm | #26
I would need a whole lot of money to cook all of XBA dinner!
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 9:48 pm | #27
Don't look at me. I'm broke... >_>;
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 9:54 pm | #28
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 9:59 pm | #29
Re: Greetings..
09/21/07 10:47 pm | #30
sry i need it to finish payin off my halo 3
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