Archived: Good Game...
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Good Game...
09/05/06 10:28 pm | #1
Great job Sid!!! Well I sat out this tourny.I felt Its not fair for you guys(and girls) to bust your hump to win the cool prizes XBO gives away. And have someone like me come in and maybe win. Not saying I'm the best. I'm not at all. But i feel its alot cooler for all of you younger players to battle it out. I really dont need some prize to be in a cool community. I feel i already won by B.S' ing with you all. And playing against you. I Went to NJ this weekend and talked to alot of freinds that like this site. They would like to know if they can join even though they are not in Ohio? Z i am sure you can help. Pasta sorry for slacking on the donation thing.. I will get it rolling soon.. And if anyone wants to battle in any game send me a message :)
Re: Good Game...
09/05/06 10:33 pm | #2
Quote by Random Hero:
...I Went to NJ this weekend and talked to alot of freinds that like this site. They would like to know if they can join even though they are not in Ohio? Z i am sure you can help. ....
Funny you should mention that...hang tight for a little bit
Re: Good Game...
09/05/06 10:34 pm | #3
Re: Good Game...
09/05/06 11:40 pm | #4
Quote by zoboa:
Funny you should mention that...hang tight for a little bit
i hate secrets :p
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