Archived: Gods gift to Man...Beer
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Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
08/13/09 4:17 pm | #106
Does anyone know where I can find a keychain bottle opener like this: except not online?
Re: Re: Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
08/13/09 4:48 pm | #108
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by Jackson:
Does anyone know where I can find a keychain bottle opener like this: except not online?
I don't know about that but, on that site there is a form to mail in your order with the option of paying with a check or money order (if you don't have a credit card.)
I'd imagine the only kind of places you'd be able to find one would be liquor/wine stores.

Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
08/13/09 5:00 pm | #109
Lolz she got owned
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
08/18/09 7:59 am | #111
AH Beer, It should be it's own food group. Hmmmm, six beers and then getting sick doesn't sound right. Must have been some shots of something also. Beer then Liquor never been sicker, Liquor then Beer have no fear!!!
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
10/15/09 1:33 am | #112
Has anyone tried the new Bud Select 55 yet. I'm going to look for it tomorrow and will post a review. LoL!!!
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
10/15/09 2:28 am | #113

Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
10/15/09 5:38 am | #114
ha that pic is hilarious.
i usually drink from a local brewery here in town. Its called Ninkasi. their IPAs and Double IPAs are amazing.
i usually drink from a local brewery here in town. Its called Ninkasi. their IPAs and Double IPAs are amazing.
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
10/15/09 4:03 pm | #115
i've been hearing about this ale, and i want to try it so bad.
my local distributor says they'll order me a case if i want. i might just take 'em up on it.
if you click the FAQ link you'll get some funny reads lol.
i've been hearing about this ale, and i want to try it so bad.
my local distributor says they'll order me a case if i want. i might just take 'em up on it.
if you click the FAQ link you'll get some funny reads lol.
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
10/15/09 4:20 pm | #116
Mickeys Malt Liquor + Orange Juice!
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
10/16/09 10:48 am | #117
Select 55 is pretty much what I thought it would be.
It's the perfect Beer if you:
1. Don't drink Beer.
2. Don't want a Buzz.
3. Want to drink something with No taste.
4. Want to drink all day but not get wasted.
5. Just want to look cool at the party but not wake up next to the ugly fat girl.
Well that about sums up Bud Select 55.
It's the perfect Beer if you:
1. Don't drink Beer.
2. Don't want a Buzz.
3. Want to drink something with No taste.
4. Want to drink all day but not get wasted.
5. Just want to look cool at the party but not wake up next to the ugly fat girl.
Well that about sums up Bud Select 55.
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
10/16/09 1:24 pm | #118
This thread is incorrect. Jagermeister was God's gift to man.
Beer is what man made when God was like wtf guys, can you take it easy on my jager stash? my girl's coming over this weekend
Beer is what man made when God was like wtf guys, can you take it easy on my jager stash? my girl's coming over this weekend