Archived: Gods gift to Man...Beer
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Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:23 am | #31
One night I walked in to the local liquor store and I was buying a lot of things. The guy (Jim) that owned the place asked me what the occasion was. I told him and his face tuned sickly white as I told him it was my 21st birthday. I had been buying there for at least 2yrs!!!
Re: Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:24 am | #32
Quote by TK Chillin:
I was the Jim Beam Kid in high school!!!
oh god no. hahahahaha.
i was the 5 o'clock man.

EDIT: ^ that is epic.
i never even attempted to buy booze until i was 21.
you got more balls than i do sir. at least 3 more.
Re: Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:25 am | #33
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
211 Steel Reserve....thats how gangster i am...LOL
That's SICK!!!

Re: Re: Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:27 am | #34
Quote by TK Chillin:
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
211 Steel Reserve....thats how gangster i am...LOL
That's SICK!!! neighborhood...
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:29 am | #35
If I ever go to Belgium I may never return!!!
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:31 am | #36
Get me a couple of 40's of King Cobra!!!
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:32 am | #37
No thanks, 23 and no alcohol for me.
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:34 am | #38
No but personally, i dont like drinking. It
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:36 am | #39
sounds like someone needs a hot dicken's cider!!!
anyone care for a snake bite?
anyone care for a snake bite?
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:37 am | #40
Cheap beer is the only means to keep rum out! *Sign in McSorley"s Old Ale House, opened in 1854 on Seventh street, New York City!!!
Re: Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 12:42 am | #41
Quote by Kris:
No thanks, 23 and no alcohol for me.
Thats cool, a lot of my friends don't drink. Good thing too as they can get me home!!!LoL!!!
Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 1:11 am | #42
im very picky with my beer. it has to be dark. most of the time i drink Killians irish red(idk about the spelling) and Smithwicks irish red. i can deal with yuengling lager if i have to. nothing light or that looks like pee. i love me some Guinness but im not made of money to drink that stuff.
Re: Re: Re: Gods gift to Man...Beer
07/24/09 1:17 am | #43
Quote by Noah 9000:
Quote by TK Chillin:
I like the Michelob Amber also!!! Have any of you been to a restaurant called OLD CHICAGO. They have 110 beers on site and do something called the world tour. You can win prizes for how many different beers you try!!!
i don't believe we have OCs in PA. that would be awesome though!
there is a place in pa i think towards the poconos that is like that. they have 100s of diff beers and when u have had 1 of each they give u ur own glass to use when u go and ur own spot on the wall to hang it. i forget what the name of it is tho
sry for the double. poor kittens