The one I want the most is for the MVP Baseball series to come back. Damn 2k and their exclusive shit. Then I'd like for another X-Men game and a Deadpool game. That's not asking for too much is it?
Archived: Games you wish were made
Posted Under: Gaming
Games you wish were made
01/21/09 1:23 pm | #1
Whether it be a canceled series or one that got canceled before it was finished, or just one that you want.
The one I want the most is for the MVP Baseball series to come back. Damn 2k and their exclusive shit. Then I'd like for another X-Men game and a Deadpool game. That's not asking for too much is it?
The one I want the most is for the MVP Baseball series to come back. Damn 2k and their exclusive shit. Then I'd like for another X-Men game and a Deadpool game. That's not asking for too much is it?
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 1:33 pm | #2
i wish they'll make another Marvel vs Capcom and Capcom vs SNK game
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 1:51 pm | #3
Counter Strike For 360!!
i love it, i play that a lot on source online, and its amazingly fun
i love it, i play that a lot on source online, and its amazingly fun
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 2:52 pm | #5
Shenmue 3 

Re: Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 3:38 pm | #7
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
Counter Strike For 360!!
i love it, i play that a lot on source online, and its amazingly fun
i love it, i play that a lot on source online, and its amazingly fun
Omg, you just got +50000 awesome points.
CS was amazing, but they could never replicate it on 360, not with the unique map making people did, i used to play surf maps on RPG servers, it was amazing.
But i want a Crackdown 2!
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 4:32 pm | #8
Castlevania for 360.
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 5:13 pm | #9
I want that 4 player X-Men arcade game as a port to the xbox live arcade!
That would be absolutely the best with 4 player multiplayer local and live!
That would be absolutely the best with 4 player multiplayer local and live!
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 5:20 pm | #10
DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 for the 360 ftw. dbz budokai games rawk
Re: Re: Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 5:21 pm | #11
Quote by I iMuff I:
But i want a Crackdown 2!
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 5:32 pm | #12
Well it is being made, just not for 360, Diablo 3 should jump from the PC only to 360 also, that would be the most badass game ever created<3
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 5:52 pm | #13
battlefront III and a sequel to GUN
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 6:29 pm | #14
i think there making a battlefront 3 but gun 2 wood be sweet does anyone know if there making a dead rising 2
Re: Games you wish were made
01/21/09 6:30 pm | #15
some kind of mechassault game!