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Archived: Games to keep your kids away from
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Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 7:45 pm | #1
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 8:17 pm | #3
Damn raine, thats so simlilar to mine....
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 10:11 pm | #6
Quote by PSORaine:
On a totally unrelated note, here's my shopping list for my son this Christmas...
Blitz: The League II
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Gears of War 2
Left 4 Dead
Resistance 2
Saints Row 2
Silent Hill: Homecoming
don't you watch the news? if you allow your son to play those games he'll grow up to be one of those crazy circus clowns with a sinister laugh and a poison gas flower on his lapel!
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 10:16 pm | #7
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
Makes me want to play those games even more.
GTA IV isn't even on the list. XD
I was just thinking the same thing. Lol
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 10:32 pm | #9
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
You called?

aaaaaaaaaaarrrgh! pfffffeeeeeeew!!!- exit, stage left!
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 10:48 pm | #11
I hate companies like that. It's been proven that video games do nothing to kids except lower their violence level a lot...
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 10:52 pm | #12
unless the kids truly arent mature. aka thse 6-10 year olds on halo 3...
now, if theyre mature enough (in real life) to handle violent games and it do nothing to them, then i dont see why it makes a diff what they play...
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 11:02 pm | #13
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
I hate companies like that. It's been proven that video games do nothing to kids except lower their violence level a lot...
what are you talking about the other day i was walking down the street and i wanted to take a trash can lid and beat someone up with it like a boom shield on gears 2
I mean seriously, what are these people thinking?
Re: Games to keep your kids away from
11/25/08 11:10 pm | #14
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
what are you talking about the other day i was walking down the street and i wanted to take a trash can lid and beat someone up with it like a boom shield on gears 2
that would have been hella funny if you did it (send me the you tube video of it).
i want to plant grenades on my neighbors trash cans on trash day so when he respawns and goes to take out the trash, he'll exploded himself up! then i'm gonna do it again and spawn camp him!

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