That is 1000/1000 on 12 games, (yes Avatard is one of them, and for Raine, yes Bionicle Heroes was another... asshat!) and 1250/1250 on Oblivion with DLC! I'm not counting NBA Live 06 with the thirteen, although I have 960 on it and EA shut down their servers, so 1000 is no longer possible!

Viking turned out to be more challenging than I thought it was going to be. With perserverence, though, I should be able to 1k this one as well!
I'm going to rent Prince Caspian next, at the behest of Rev, who seems to be quickly becoming one of my GS gurus!
So, hopefully within the next few weeks, I will get my 15 completed retail badge on 360v! That is very exciting!
Another badge that I am very pleased with is my 50% completionist badge! I don't know how many of you "360 voicers" out there pay attention to completion percentage, but I have decided to work on the 75% Jedi badge! I am around 58% right now, so this is going to be quite an arduous task.
I was just wondering how my completion stats stack up with some of you, here at XBA!!
Or if anybody even pays attention! lol