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Archived: Game Review: Twinkle...Twinkle...Little Star...
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Re: Game Review: Twinkle...Twinkle...Little Star...
10/30/08 9:53 pm | #31
Quote by TK Chillin:
I've had it since day one but it's still sitting on the coffee table with the rest!!!
same here!

Re: Game Review: Dead Space
10/31/08 1:43 am | #32
i've been waiting for this game to come through gamefly but it just aint happening... whatever i guess i'll just have to wait some more
Re: Game Review: Twinkle...Twinkle...Little Star...
10/31/08 11:01 am | #35
Quote by majority ru1e:
I loved the game but my problem is i rented it a couple days before fallout 3 came out.... so I never got to finish the game. I will pick it up used sometime in the future.
I have Fallout 3 but don't want to get sucked in yet, due to all the new stuff coming out. Might start in Jan or Feb 09. My friends are busting my butt to just play it..
Re: Game Review: Twinkle...Twinkle...Little Star...
10/31/08 3:19 pm | #37
my wife and i just watched the strangers last night.
i was expecting less, from everyone saying the movie never "goes anywhere" but i actually thought it was decent. can't remember the end though... i was drunk.
as for fable 2, yeah. 1 was better. in alot of ways.
the main thing that irks me about 2 is that pretty much all the quests are the same quests from fable 1. i mean WTF is that? i wanted a new game...
Re: Game Review: Dead Space
11/02/08 12:17 pm | #39
I was mad at myself when I got into the middle of Dead Space... I was playin it on hard thinking that I would get the hardest difficulty achievement and I got halfway through it when I saw a guide online talking about the impossible difficulty. Still never got to finish it though, since it was only a rent.
Re: Game Review: Twinkle...Twinkle...Little Star...
11/02/08 3:17 pm | #40
this game is amazing, the game is very scary espically if you have a surround sound system, adds to the scaryness effect.
im only about 5 chps in and its amazing so far,
Re: Game Review: Dead Space
11/03/08 8:25 pm | #41
just finished chapter 10.
still... simply amazing.
the story is a "little" repetitive, but the scare factor rocks, though a tiny bit predictable... but it's still great. i simply can't believe EA made this brilliant game.
i find myself struggling a little, probably because i'm playing on normal mode and trying to get the one gun achievement, but it's refreshing to actually die once in awhile. i just took a break from fable, which i've put probably 30 hours in, and i got "knocked out" 3 times. dead space has taken my life at least 20 times.
Re: Game Review: Twinkle...Twinkle...Little Star...
11/03/08 10:28 pm | #43
Quote by PSORaine:
If you want to die, play fallout... I have died so many times because like- my leg is crippled and even though I have decent health, something comes and rips it off -_- meh.
i'll go back to dead space soon, I think, but I'm really into Fallout... too bad stupid Laguna keeps playing it and I never get to..

"cough cough" i though you and laguna had your own 360's?
anyway... i do like dying in games. i don't like mega easy games.
and FO3 is my birthday gift. if i could play it now i would.
but until then, dead space rocks hard.
Re: Game Review: Twinkle...Twinkle...Little Star...
11/04/08 12:01 am | #44
Quote by Lord Fragg:
"cough cough" i though you and laguna had your own 360's?
anyway... i do like dying in games. i don't like mega easy games.
and FO3 is my birthday gift. if i could play it now i would.
but until then, dead space rocks hard.
she meant he plays the one copy of the game that they have dur
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