The next scene opens and I find myself in a plane, ready to jump, and I do. Im surrounded by enemy flak as I make my way towards one of the green landing zones so I wont have to worry about being killed straight off. I miscalculate and WHACK! Botched landing the HUD tells me. Well, that couldve gone better, but no time to think about what I couldve done.
I get one of my objectives flashed at me on my HUD and I hightail it away from where I landed heading on to my first objective, City Hall. I have to take out the AA guns sitting atop city hall. I spring up the steps, shooting Nazis as I go. And at last Im up on the roof. Okay, theres the first AA gun. And more Nazis. I find cover and throw a grenade then I run out into the open towards the objective. Slap a bit of explosives on that AA gun and then Im outta there before I get blown to bits with the gun.
Time for the next one. By now Im not even paying attention to the detail, but once I do I have to say I am quite pleased with the aesthetics. When I die I fall to the floor and I can see the light glinting off my fingernails through the dirt and grime before I spawn back in the plane. Darn, gotta do it all over again. Well you live and learn. I make my way back to City Hall (Okay maybe I didnt learn) and hit the first AA gun again, then the second. Whoo. Still some more to go though. A paratroopers work is never done.
The pause screen is nice to look at, and easily navigated. Objectives, options, restart & quit. Pretty straight-forward. Once I take a gander at my remaining objectives it is time to unpause and continue taking the town of Andanti in Italy.
As I wander my way around destroying the AA guns that are giving the boys in the sky trouble, I notice the detail that went into the buildings. Absolutely magnificent.
There seems to be a little upgrade system going on. After I kill about my 15th Nazi a little message pops up that I now have a pistol grip and some heightened stats. Whoo hoo! I dont personally see any difference. But I probably will as these little upgrades stack up, and moreso in the full version.
Well, I must get back to the demo now, I hope you enjoyed reading, and I urge you to download the demo, especially if you arent yet sure if you want to buy the retail. On Monday or so I should have the review for the full retail game, but who knows? Just stay tuned soldiers!