Closed: Game Completion Leaderboard
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Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Shockwave:
rent it then

Or pick it up at Toys R Us for $5 on clearance and then trade it in the trade thread.
Like I did.
found it at toys r us for $10.
still can't bring myself to put it on my profile though, hahahaha.
i may end up treating myself to it once i break 50K.
Quote by Noah 9000:
found it at toys r us for $10.
still can't bring myself to put it on my profile though, hahahaha.
i may end up treating myself to it once i break 50K.
I know what you mean.
I'm getting ready to put Hannah Montanna on mine. And then proceed to bury it below 15 other games.
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Noah 9000:
found it at toys r us for $10.
still can't bring myself to put it on my profile though, hahahaha.
i may end up treating myself to it once i break 50K.
I know what you mean.
I'm getting ready to put Hannah Montanna on mine. And then proceed to bury it below 15 other games.
That's what I did. I got the full 1000 on Hannah Montana and then buried her far down my list.
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