Archived: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
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Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:25 pm | #16
hmm....that kinda sucks. like what games might they be??
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:27 pm | #17
mostly card games like uno and rummy.
yeah... you can kinda see why there's no local multi there, lol.
yeah... you can kinda see why there's no local multi there, lol.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:28 pm | #18
uhh yea sort of lol
DoD has local mp!
DoD has local mp!
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:28 pm | #19
i know for me and my girlfriend it's rpg's that we like the most and would like to play co-op but have yet to see a good one besides the mega mmorpg WOW. That was fun to play as a couple. Fable 2 co-op? Not so much...
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:35 pm | #20
I'll join - 17,038
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:35 pm | #21
the best co-op-op-op game is rock band, hands down.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:49 pm | #22
Im in. 16,095. I predict a gain of 500 this week. No waffle games this week thanks to Valentines Day and saving money for the new Star Ocean game
And Good luck to Nemesis! Kick the shit out of that cancer!
And Good luck to Nemesis! Kick the shit out of that cancer!
Re: Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 5:57 pm | #24
Quote by PSORaine:
Sorry, that's my reaction to someone mentioning it.
Sorry, that's my reaction to someone mentioning it.
Lol im excited for it too. I've been drooling at all the trailers for the past month xD
Re: Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 6:03 pm | #26
Quote by PSORaine:
uh huh uh huh uh huh!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks so good and it's so pretty and it's in the future but they still use swords not guns, which worried me cause I was afraid they'd go guns and that would suck cause I couldn't get into fallout because of the guns, but they're doing swords and it looks SO FUN and the other games are some of my favorite rpgs of all time, and if they screw this game up bringing it to the 360, I'll die! I'll just die!!! :breathes:
Agreed! Except I liked Fallout 3, and I wont die if it sucks...I'll just cut myself and cry all day long lmao
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 6:04 pm | #27
I will try this week too but I thinkthis will be my last for a while since I won't be onlin for a while (I'm moving).
MY score now 37,603
MY score now 37,603
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #5
02/10/09 6:05 pm | #29
LOL wait... fallout 1 and 2 has guns... and you liked them, didn't you?
it would have been kind of neat to play 3 without guns, and you can... but yeah.
it really doesn't work.
it would have been kind of neat to play 3 without guns, and you can... but yeah.
it really doesn't work.