Archived: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
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Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 1:06 am | #46
lol does he have a chameleon potion? and a bunch of lock picks? Or maybe he used a paralysis spell on you.
Re: Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 1:07 am | #47
idk but it sounds like ima stick my foot in his arse when i see him on sat. umm no he doesnt. im the one with the lockpicks in my room lol
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 2:02 am | #48
i just got me some 15 pts. watch out i'm up 15 pts. now.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 2:05 am | #49
End of day 1 for me. I'm +20
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 2:07 am | #50
endin the day with...
+0 hells yea I'm on a roll~!
+0 hells yea I'm on a roll~!
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 5:27 am | #53
i forget how much GS i gained last night. i know of atleast 65G but i think i got some more idk
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 4:36 pm | #54
Well I finally transferred my profile and all of my saved games over to my new Elites 105g hard drive. I am ready to gamerscore it up!! If anyone wants to battlefield: bad company today/tonight. hit me up!
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 5:01 pm | #55
im +20 since the start of this
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 5:04 pm | #56
ive got a gain of 65G today

Re: Re: Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 5:36 pm | #57
Quote by PSORaine:
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
I am going to. but first i gotta figure out how he broke into my room when it has a lock.
did he card it? I card doors when they're locked...
no i dont have a normal lock, i have that lock where u turn the thingy and the big chunk of metal goes into the wall. not the ones with chains but the lock that is usually above the doorknob lock
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 5:52 pm | #58
a deadbolt

Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 5:58 pm | #59
yes that thing. how he got in i have no clue. since he doesnt have any lockpicks and i knw this because they are in a storage about 3 hours away drivin.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #2
01/21/09 6:48 pm | #60
ive gained 100G today. that puts me at 165G ftw!
just gained another 75G
thats um...what, like 240G i think?
lol! i just got another achievement
+340 total for me so far
ive gained 100G today. that puts me at 165G ftw!
just gained another 75G

thats um...what, like 240G i think?
lol! i just got another achievement
+340 total for me so far