Archived: Favorite game genre
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Favorite game genre
08/15/08 6:14 pm | #16
RPGs (especially oldies like chrono trigger, final fantasy 3, yada) but since getting my 360 i'm big into FPSs now too.
Re: Favorite game genre
08/15/08 6:25 pm | #17
not enough good cooking games out there -cooking mama -woohoo! racing games are prob my fave though especially good ones like yaris- when's the last time you played a racing game that had boss battles against economy toyotas?
Re: Favorite game genre
08/15/08 7:30 pm | #19
Quote by PSORaine:
lol! I hope you're joking about Yaris... Really...
ahhh ,word to the wise, never take me too seriously..... my sarcasm preceeds's like a finger pointing to the moon......don"t look at finger, look moon!

Re: Favorite game genre
08/15/08 8:30 pm | #21
ive done that to the kids on my bus
i go all "OMG LOOK!" and i jumped up and pointed. and like everybody on there (there was like 9 kids, 10 including the bus driver) and they all looked. i was like "its my finger!!"
i go all "OMG LOOK!" and i jumped up and pointed. and like everybody on there (there was like 9 kids, 10 including the bus driver) and they all looked. i was like "its my finger!!"
Re: Favorite game genre
08/15/08 8:44 pm | #23
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
ive done that to the kids on my bus
i go all "OMG LOOK!" and i jumped up and pointed. and like everybody on there (there was like 9 kids, 10 including the bus driver) and they all looked. i was like "its my finger!!"
i go all "OMG LOOK!" and i jumped up and pointed. and like everybody on there (there was like 9 kids, 10 including the bus driver) and they all looked. i was like "its my finger!!"
the force is strong with you, yes?

Re: Favorite game genre
08/15/08 8:48 pm | #24
Thats it Master...Your getting a Soulatar. Just as soon as I can stop playing Lost Planet and back to Soul Caliber.
Re: Favorite game genre
08/15/08 9:09 pm | #25
Quote by TK Chillin:
Thats it Master...Your getting a Soulatar. Just as soon as I can stop playing Lost Planet and back to Soul Caliber.
that's cool, as long as you don't bring that homo gun thing along, i'm still a noob when it comes to butt darts, and i'd like to stay that way.

Re: Favorite game genre
08/16/08 8:29 am | #26
Quote by master livewire:
the force is strong with you, yes?


if you say gullible reeeeaaaalllly slow it sounds like "lemonade"
if you say gullible fast it sounds like "peanut butter"
hey look a distraction!
hey look a monkey with a handgun!
gasp a wildabeast with a shank shooter!
hey you dropped your brain
you dropped your pocket
ive done a few more but...people are just too gullible..
Re: Favorite game genre
08/16/08 9:51 am | #27
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
ive done that to the kids on my bus
i go all "OMG LOOK!" and i jumped up and pointed. and like everybody on there (there was like 9 kids, 10 including the bus driver) and they all looked. i was like "its my finger!!"
i go all "OMG LOOK!" and i jumped up and pointed. and like everybody on there (there was like 9 kids, 10 including the bus driver) and they all looked. i was like "its my finger!!"
Dude I coughed and hacked Coke all over my keyboard laughing at this.
Were you a bag of X-13D Doritos and I was some form of the Michelin Man, I could just eat you right up. NOM NOM NOM
If any of my keys short out, you owe me a new keyboard. Stop saying funny $#!t when I'm trying to drink something.
Re: Favorite game genre
08/16/08 11:41 am | #28
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Dude I coughed and hacked Coke all over my keyboard laughing at this.
Were you a bag of X-13D Doritos and I was some form of the Michelin Man, I could just eat you right up. NOM NOM NOM
If any of my keys short out, you owe me a new keyboard. Stop saying funny $#!t when I'm trying to drink something.
Were you a bag of X-13D Doritos and I was some form of the Michelin Man, I could just eat you right up. NOM NOM NOM
If any of my keys short out, you owe me a new keyboard. Stop saying funny $#!t when I'm trying to drink something.
im sorry but i laughed reading that..thats hilarious
soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi
Re: Favorite game genre
08/16/08 2:36 pm | #29
Sports first off, then FPS
Re: Favorite game genre
08/16/08 5:18 pm | #30
FPS and Music Games (GH and RB)