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Sticky: Favorite TV series?
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Re: Re: Favorite TV series?
08/31/09 7:27 pm | #46
Quote by kslay091:
Fringe. Arrested Development. Dexter. Curb Your Enthusiasm. King of the Hill.
I love Arrested Development. It's such a shame it got cancelled. I read something about a movie though?
Re: Re: Re: Favorite TV series?
08/31/09 9:58 pm | #48
Quote by Jackson:
Quote by kslay091:
Fringe. Arrested Development. Dexter. Curb Your Enthusiasm. King of the Hill.
I love Arrested Development. It's such a shame it got cancelled. I read something about a movie though?

yea i heard about a movie too.
i always kinda assumed they were gonna make it a movie how the series ended with ron howard like "hmmm wont make a good show... how about a movie"
it will be uhhh epic!!
Re: Favorite TV series?
08/31/09 10:01 pm | #49
House M.D. and L&O: SVU are my two favorite shows. (Warehouse 13 is becoming one of my new favorites, I hope it's sucessful because it's a really awesome show)
I really loved Las Vegas but it ended at Season 5. 
I loved Heroes.. at the beginning of the summer, I was addicted I watched all of them except the last 10 episodes in Season 3 because it was starting to drag on and become boring.
Re: Favorite TV series?
08/31/09 10:08 pm | #50
too many to count.....but here are some.
Dragon Ball Z
Arrested Development
Transformers (Generation 1)
X-Men (90's)
Knightrider (80's)
.......The list goes on.
Re: Favorite TV series?
08/31/09 10:17 pm | #51
Mythbusters, 30 rock, fucks my shit up!!!!
Re: Favorite TV series?
08/31/09 10:32 pm | #52
hells kitchen, diners drive ins and dives, family guy, Xplay, south park, ncis.
i cant pick one but those are some of my favs
Re: Favorite TV series?
09/01/09 4:15 am | #53
I have to admit, concerning Arrested Development, I have always had the mega-hots for Portia de Rossi. While I have only watched the show like twice, I can say it is probably a terrifically entertaining show since it has Portia.
Re: Favorite TV series?
09/01/09 8:25 am | #54
oh how did I forget NCIS! too bad this is the last season this fall
Re: Re: Favorite TV series?
09/01/09 10:31 am | #55
Quote by Lady Evol:
When I watch a series, I get really into it, and have to watch all the episodes... I can't "casually" watch a TV series. If it doesn't make me want to watch them all, I don't watch it at all.
I'm the same way, and I usually wait until the season comes out to watch them all at the same time, ha-ha. I'm very impatient
My shows are these:
House (need to pick up season 5)
Family Guy (all seasons)
entourage (just got into this show, got 1 more episode to the 1st season)
Desperate Housewives (don't judge me) (all seasons)
The Office (all seasons)
The Soprano's (so far I have only picked up the first season, but it's awesome)
Two and A Half Men (it was funnier when it first came out)
Boston Legal (R.I.P.)
Dog The Bounty Hunter
Operation Repo
the wife watches Intervention
and I'm sure there are more, I just cant think of them right now
Re: Favorite TV series?
09/01/09 11:56 am | #56
Stargate SG-1! Only show I watched religiously. I have all 10 seasons on DVD plus the movies. I also have every actors autograph except 2 and have personsonally met half of them.
Re: Favorite TV series?
09/02/09 12:33 am | #57
Wow! Anyone else watch the season finale of Rescue Me tonight?
Re: Re: Favorite TV series?
09/02/09 12:46 am | #58
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Stargate SG-1! Only show I watched religiously. I have all 10 seasons on DVD plus the movies. I also have every actors autograph except 2 and have personsonally met half of them.
Re: Favorite TV series?
09/02/09 1:10 am | #60
I would have to say right now Lost, south park, and 24.
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