*Edit 4got to mention the beta comes out on the 28th this sunday
Archived: End War Beta anyone
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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End War Beta anyone
09/22/08 5:05 pm | #1
Hey guys anyone here sign up for the 2nd EndWar beta for preordering the game. If so let me know so we can take down some n00bs. But while we are on the subject what are your thoughts on this game. me personaly I was never really a fan of the RTS type of games. but this game along with a few others have pulled me in to try.
*Edit 4got to mention the beta comes out on the 28th this sunday
*Edit 4got to mention the beta comes out on the 28th this sunday
Re: End War Beta anyone
09/22/08 5:10 pm | #2
Damn RTS! My ADD doesn't allow me to...
OOOOOO There's a poll!
OOOOOO There's a poll!
Re: End War Beta anyone
09/22/08 5:14 pm | #3
Quote by theevol1:
Damn RTS! My ADD doesn't allow me to...
OOOOOO There's a poll!
OOOOOO There's a poll!
oh, but i'm trying to cut back on my poll intake and this one is extra long.

Re: End War Beta anyone
09/22/08 7:41 pm | #5
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
I was in the other PRIVATE Beta 

was it good
Re: End War Beta anyone
09/22/08 8:45 pm | #7
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
Yes, I enjoyed it. The voice commands work well.
kool can't wait till sunday i just got to take time out early on monday cus heros is on which im waiting for now.
Re: End War Beta anyone
10/06/08 7:31 pm | #8
Hey guys little update i just got my token an hour ago it starts tomorrow so hit me up if your on
Re: End War Beta anyone
10/08/08 9:50 am | #9
I got my code in email but haven't tried it out yet... Looking forward to giving it a go since I didn't get into the first beta.
Re: End War Beta anyone
10/09/08 4:29 pm | #10
I think i signed up too late, plus I rarely pre-order.
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