Quote by theevol1:
sometimes when a friend gets online, I get mad cuz I was waiting for an achievement!!
Haha dude I get that too. I'll be trying really hard for something then I hear the pop and start to tear off my shirt and run a victory lap around my room but it says "Dumbass420666 is online" so I send them a message like "
you asshole, you were supposed to be 20G in Heavy Weapon" and i get a "???" in response, har
I have this one friend that is a Gamestop manager and he is always bitching about how scorewhores are ruining Xbox Live and how noone plays for fun anymore, they just want points. He even keeps saying he refuses to play Avatar on 360, even though he likes the show a lot, because of the easy thousand. First off, I told him that refusing to play it just because of that is philosophically implicating him the same as if he played it for that reason alone. Second off, I looked at his game list and he hasn't completed any games. I don't expect him to have a ton of 1000's, but still, how can people rationally complain about something like score whoring but then have like 150 games on their list and none have more than half score/Achievements?
I said dude, you kept telling me how good Mass Effect was and how it's your favourite game in a long time, why do you not even have 400 in it and you're sitting there playing GTA4 right now even though you said it's not that good and people that play it are dumbasses? He said something weak about how not everyone can be a scorewhore like me, and I told him I got almost 500 in ME without actually trying for any Achievements, and I actually FINISH the games I really like, like Viking, Beowulf, etc.
(still gotta finish Conan and Overlord though, so I'm guilty too
) Grr, sorry, just pisses me off. I am sick of all these idiot gamers that pay $60 for the newest, hottest thing, then play it for a couple minutes a day for a couple days and then throw it into the pile in favor of the next overhyped title. Gamestop employees are probably the worst, and it's crap like this that has overbloated the games industry. Yes, I understand some people are working 2 jobs and trying to go to school and whatnot so they only have a short time to play games each day, but that leads me to ask WTF they are spending $300 a month buying shit they haven't even played yet?! Maybe you wouldn't have to work so much if you would just buy ONE AT A TIME and finish it or rent the stupid things since you go through them like garbage anyway.
Part of why that pisses me off is that I remember back when I wasn't taking any classes so I worked a ton of extra hours at this decently-paying job I had. I had a ton of money but very little free time. I actually bought like 6 or 7 games in a short period just because I wanted them or they sounded neat, I bought my girlfriend an Xbox and 2 new games for V-day, I even bought a new copy of BG: Dark Alliance just because I couldn't find my manual and my disc was scratched a little bit. But I never had enough time to play! Some games never even got unwrapped.
Fast forward a bit and I am at a different job making less money and barely being able to get any hours, and instead of 6 a month I buy about 1 game every 3 months and just rent everything else, playing until I complete it or get sick of it then flinging it back. Despite being "poor" as far as bloated semi-suburban America standards go, I am way happier this way! It also helps not having a vampiric girlfriend to leech money away. I am pretty sure I would rather have a lot of free time, and barely any money or games, than have a ton of money & games but not enough time to play them. Although I'd need to have a genuine
ton of money to test it and be sure.
In better news, Meg, majority and Hektic helped me get 3 tough Achievements last night in Vegas 2, doing terrorist hunts on Realistic difficulty, woooooooooo.