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Archived: Do You Want A Sig?
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Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 3:53 am | #61
I have about 4 ahead of you but I can do it up.
System has 3 or 4, but he can finish those whenever as family > sig work.
So I have these remaining
Kruegar's FF7
djacobs Florida Gators sig
CelticFann's COD4/Celtics (I am gonna do it even though you have yours thrown together)
Golden138's Too Human/Xmen Origins
Whatever I havent mentioned is in Systems hand, but please have patience as System and I will get your sigs done soon!
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 4:01 am | #62
you mean this grenade?
Re: Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 4:05 am | #63
Quote by JuniorMT:
you mean this grenade?
yup!!! i love that game, and that grenade. I swear...im getting that tatted on me.
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 7:30 am | #65
Daaaaamn Junior those are SICK!!
You have mad skills, sir.
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 10:30 am | #66
Thanks a bunch Oren and Meta! I Kept second guessing myself on color schemes each time I thought I would be finished, and in the end, kept redoing the entire sig lol. Glad they all came out ok. Going to finish the rest of my batch tonight.
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 12:54 pm | #67
Those all look great. Nice work Junior!
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 1:21 pm | #68
Thanks Kent!
Whew! I have been busy all morning working with Jackson and all and I am photoshopped out this morning lol.
More to come later in the evening everyone!
Re: Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 1:48 pm | #69
Quote by Oren Naveda:
That sig... is absolutely bad-ass.
The grayscale fits it so well.
I bow down before you.
HOLY GOD. THIS IS EPIC!! Wish I'd thought of it...
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 2:51 pm | #70
New One for Krueger1428
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 3:13 pm | #71
A simple one for djacobs84
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 3:59 pm | #73
these are all looking quite sexy! great work junior!
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 5:51 pm | #74
I really like my sig I just dont how to get on my siganture.
Re: Do You Want A Sig?
06/20/09 6:08 pm | #75
I know your already really busy Junior, but I would like to request one too.
Can I get a joint one, kind of like Oren's?
I would like:
This one of the right.
This one in the middle.
And this one on the left.
Any color you see fit to add as the backround will be fine. I understand if this takes a while to make, don't sweat. I'd be fine if it was ready in 2 weeks
Thanks, thanks, thanks. There's my down payment, haha. I'll give you the last one after the package is received.
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