I use to DJ back in high school, I still do a little bit now but not like I use to. I thought this would be corny, and although I'm not too thrilled about some of the songtracks I saw on the Demo, I still thought this was cool and I had a BLAST at playing it.
Archived: DJ Hero
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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DJ Hero
10/11/09 9:57 pm | #1
I was not interested in getting this at all. But I played it in the store today at Gamestop, and then I immediately went and pre-ordered the Renegade Edition. Is anyone else planning on picking this up?
I use to DJ back in high school, I still do a little bit now but not like I use to. I thought this would be corny, and although I'm not too thrilled about some of the songtracks I saw on the Demo, I still thought this was cool and I had a BLAST at playing it.
I use to DJ back in high school, I still do a little bit now but not like I use to. I thought this would be corny, and although I'm not too thrilled about some of the songtracks I saw on the Demo, I still thought this was cool and I had a BLAST at playing it.
Re: DJ Hero
10/11/09 11:05 pm | #2
So does anybody plan on getting this at all? Or do I just not get any acknowledgment towards my post?
Re: DJ Hero
10/11/09 11:06 pm | #3
it looks interesting but idk if i would enjoy it. i wish somewhere around me had a demo of it. i wont be buying it right away but possibly after i read reviews or try it somewhere.
Re: DJ Hero
10/11/09 11:09 pm | #4
I'm going to go with no, only music related games I've ever played was Hannah Montana and Boom Boom Rocket.
Re: DJ Hero
10/11/09 11:15 pm | #5
Most definitely, but I have to wait a month or so.
Re: DJ Hero
10/11/09 11:48 pm | #7
I'm gonna pass....for now anyway.
Re: DJ Hero
10/12/09 12:04 am | #8
I am definitely going to get it, just gotta wait till I have the cash.
I am shamelessly addicted to music/rhythm games and the little plastic turntable peripheral intrigues me.
Orange, check GameStops in your area. Mine had a demo unit set up today, gonna go back and try it out tomorrow.
I am shamelessly addicted to music/rhythm games and the little plastic turntable peripheral intrigues me.
Orange, check GameStops in your area. Mine had a demo unit set up today, gonna go back and try it out tomorrow.
Re: Re: DJ Hero
10/12/09 12:06 am | #9
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
I'm gonna pass....for now anyway.
You pass on EVERYTHING!

Re: DJ Hero
10/12/09 1:43 am | #10
u can check best buy, i played it there a week ago. gotta say its a no for me, i tried it and it annoyed me...and hurt my wrists haha
Re: DJ Hero
10/12/09 2:13 am | #11
I'm really on the fence with this one. I may end up getting it but it won't until some time after the new year. I wanna see if activision screws the pooch with dlc for this game like they have with everything else.
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