Hektic: Well Stallion, let me just jump right into it: How did you feel when you realized that you were the first person to legitimately reach 100000 gamer points? Were you aware as you were working toward it, or were you just addicted to achievements and realized your accomplishment after the fact?
Stallion83: It was around August of 2006 when I realized that if Microsoft did something about everyone that was abusing the system, I would be #1 in the world for gamerscore. I just did my thing and kept on unlocking achievements. To be recognized as the first to get 100,000 legit, now that was special and I'll always remember that. I can only imagine what 1,000,000 will feel like.
H: I know the feeling of being addicted to achievements, but for you, was there any special appeal of achievements? When did you start getting hooked on them? How do you feel about the way they have shaped the gaming experience?
S83: I loved the idea behind achievements when I first heard about it. I knew it would be something many people could enjoy. I just never thought I would get this addicted. I started getting hooked on achievements in January of 2006. The game that did it to me was Call of Duty 2. When I went back and beat the game on veteran, I was forever hooked on these things. Achievements have a big impact on the way I play games now. In the past I would only play the highly rated games with a scarce amount of decent titles mixed in. Last generation I spent the majority of my gaming time playing online first person shooters. With achievements it's a whole new ball game, I will play just about anything.
H: And how do you feel about all the cheaters out there, trying to beat or break the system?
S83: I just don't see eye to eye with what the cheaters do. I can't relate to it because I don't understand the appeal. I'm not going to sit here and say they are terrible human beings for doing such, I just don't get it.
H: I know what you mean. Well, when you are not gaining achievements, what do you like to do in your spare time? Any other hobbies, passions, etc?
S83: For hobbies I like to play tennis and basketball. I also watch a lot of basketball, mostly the LA Lakers.
H: Wow, Lakers huh? Celtics fan, myself, but to each his own

S83: Actually, my family and friends seem to appreciate it somewhat. They may not completely get it, but that's okay.
H: Well, I have seen that you have taken quite some static on the web. With the title of number 1 comes the hatred of all those marked number 2, I guess. How do you feel about all the negative comments you receive on the web? Can you play online games for fun any more without other players either hating on you, or the opposite and getting spammed with friend requests? There's also been some controversy on and off regarding multiplayer achievements. Do you like them, hate them, indifferent? How do you feel about games like COD4 where there were no online achievements, but a full-featured multiplayer, or Brothers In Arms: Hells Highway where all of the online achievements are worth 0 points?
S83: Negative comments don't bother me at all. I actually find them to be an enjoyable read. I can play online without being distracted most of the time. Sometimes it does get a little overwhelming, but I'm okay with that. I keep my friends list full so I don't get spammed with those pesky friend requests. I like multiplayer achievements in games that are good. I hate them in games that are bad. If Halo 3 had an achievement for 100,000 online kills, I would be playing that every night. The same goes for Call of Duty 4. If that had an achievement for getting to prestige level 5 worth 20 gamerscore points, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm just getting sick of how all the crappy online games usually have long boring online achievements. If I could change anything about achievements in the future, it would be to add more online achievements to AAA online titles. Those achievements being well thought out and something that won't diminish the quality of the online game.
H: What, you mean that playing 1500 matches in Fracture isn't the thrilling experience that it sounds like? I've noticed you started a blog and are currently working on the first to a seven digit gamerscore. Is there anyone else currently competing with you? How long do you think it will take for you to accomplish your goal?
S83: Yes, I started the blog to clear up rumors and what not. If people want to know the truth, they can easily find it now. 1MillionGamerscore.com is the blog. As far as people I am competing with, I'm sure a lot of people want to take me down. I am friends with a lot of the big name achievement players, so if anything, it's a friendly competition. If I can stay consistent, it should take me around seven long years to reach 1 million. Haha!
H: Well, good luck; I'm sure if anyone can pull it off, you will. Any words of advice to gamer score whores out there? How do you get games; do you recommend Gamefly over traditional renting, or do you just keep and eye out and buy games up on clearance?
S83: My advice would be to pace yourself and don't play too many crappy games in a short period of time. If you do that, you will get burnt out really quick. Gamefly is a must! I use blockbuster when I need a quick fix, goozex for everything in between, and I'll purchase the really good games. I also have some cool friends that pass games around to each other.
H: Any achievements you have earned that you are particularly proud of? What are you currently working on now? Any games you're really looking forward to this year?
S83: It's very hard to choose just a few. I have so many children, over 10,000 of those suckers. The 10,000 kills achievement in Gears of War and Battle Field: Bad Company come to mind. See, I love those good online games with achievements. Right now I am working on completing a game a day. My streak is currently at 26 days in a row as of February 12, 2009. I'm playing whatever will get me to the next day but I fear it will end soon. I started the streak up just to motivated myself, I felt like I was spinning my wheels a little bit. This year I'm looking forward to Halo Wars, Halo 3 ODST, Fear 2, The Godfather II, Street Fight IV, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Splinter Cell, Fight Night Round 4, Bioshock 2, and COD MW 2. Many more I probably forgot to mention.
H: Awesome streak! Do you have a twitter or a 360voice where fans can follow your progress?
S83: I certainly do:
H: Well Stallion, thank you for taking the time to sit down with me; I am sure our community will appreciate it. I hope I didn't take you away from too many achievements

S83: Thank you!
Well, there you have it; words from the man himself. If you are interested, be sure to follow Stallion on Twitter and his 360Voice for info on him reaching his goal.