Archived: Celebrity Interview: Stallion83
Posted Under: Articles
Re: Celebrity Interview: Stallion83
02/24/09 10:16 pm | #16
hes well on his way to 300K, crazy!!!!
Re: Re: Celebrity Interview: Stallion83
02/26/09 8:05 am | #17
Quote by TK Chillin:
Nice job guy's....sadly my gamer score hasn't moved in weeks!!! Thanks to W@W!!! Now where did I put my STG-44???
My GS hasn't moved much lately either. I've been addicted to Fallout 3. So the only moving my GS is doing is whenever I complete a side mission.
Also, nice interview you guys. Also, good luck on your way to 1 million GS. Its nice to see that the highest gamerscore is 100% legit.
Re: Celebrity Interview: Stallion83
03/03/09 10:57 am | #18
good interview
Re: Celebrity Interview: Stallion83
03/29/09 7:44 pm | #19
Cheating is like renting a Mercedes and taking out a hot blonde with your mom's credit card... you might feel good for the night but you wake up in your mom's basement feeling dirty and ashamed!